
Sunday, July 16, 2017

Why Democrats are lunatics:

Why Democrats are lunatics:
1.       8 years of Obama left us with record POVERTY, all our previous debt DOUBLED, WORST EVER economic growth over 8 years, gutted military, and all our enemies enhanced
2.       They lionize murderer Ted Kennedy, Rapist Bill Clinton, Thief Hillary who stole hundreds millions Haitain relief $, Lying Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren, Socialist Bernie despite socialist Venezuela starving and his wife going to jail for bank fraud, and worst Potus ever Barak Obama already.
3.        Massive Trump achievements so far, even with media 98% against him and evil Democrats obstructing every fix of Obama disaster. and they just lie lie lie about him
4.       They want you and me to give them free free free with no regard to how it will be paid for. Obama DOUBLED all previous debt from the prior 43 presidents and they think he’s great.
5.       They oppose Voter ID even tough every facet of their life required ID because they need people to cheat to vote for them to have a chance to win.
6.       The harbor illegal, violent felon aliens who commit many violent crimes, in illegal sanctuary cities, daring the government to oppose them
7.       They want to bring in unlimited Muslims, despite seeing how this is destroying Europe.
8.       They oppose the democratically elected president in every way they can, advocating and using violence now to hurt Republicans, shout down free speech, limit free assembly.
9.       They want NO restrictions at all on murdering fetuses, even after they are born in a botched abortion. Obama voted 3x to allow this as a State legislator in Illinois.
10.   They support us having the world’s highest corporate tax rate, despite the competitive disadvantage it puts us in.
11.   They applauded Obama gutting our military.
12.   They supported Obama’s economic policies that produced RECORD WORST EVER eco mc growth over 8 years.
13.   They supported Obama’s cozy ties to many tinhorn thug dictators who abuse people rights everywhere including Castro, Chavez, Mullahs of Iran,
14.   They want to dent religious rights to Christians by forcing them to insure contraception even if religiously opposed, or baking wedding cake for gay couple
15.   Racist, sexist Democrats only seem to care about your sexual identity or race, not about values. Conservatives do not care about race or sex, only values and beliefs.

16.   Increasingly anti –semitic, they boo Jerusalem and God at their convention

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