
Saturday, August 26, 2017

Al Gore made a billion lying to us about climate change

From Powerline blog
Dr. Spencer, a long-time senior climate scientist at NASA and the co-inventor of the NASA satellite system that tracks earth temperatures, has written a fabulous ebook rebutting Gore’s climate gore, An Inconvenient Deception: How Al Gore Distorts Climate Science and Energy Policy. It’s currently ranked as the #1 seller on Amazon in three science book categories: Climatology; Environmental science, and Science & math. At just $3.99 I suggest Power Line readers snap up a copy and boost his sales rank further. Moreover, it is likely that more people will read this book than see Gore’s movie. (For his dissent from Climate Gore, yesterday Dr. Spencer’s website suffered a denial-of-service attack. Funny how the climatistas can’t seem to engage an argument any more.)
Dr. Spencer has complete command of the technical detail of climate science, also also writes in plain English as any visitor to his website will know. Here are a few excerpts from Dr. Spencer’s introduction:
I am not a global warming “denier” as is often alleged, nor am I opposed to alternative (non-fossil) forms of energy per se. What I am opposed to is misleading people with false climate science claims and alarming them into diverting vast sums of the public’s wealth into expensive energy schemes, this creating energy poverty and reducing our standard of living. When such policies are followed, it is the poor who suffer the most. . .
I will be advancing two main themes in this book regarding the claims of Al Gore:
  1. Most of his claims about weather disasters, melting ice sheets, and rising sea levels are either untrue, or the result of Mother Nature rather than human activities, and
  2. Wind and solar power remain expensive, and so governments’ mandating their use as a way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions will make their citizens poorer and more vulnerable to real threats.
I admit that there is at least the possibility that humanity could suffer some harm from our greenhouse gas emissions. But I also believe that the benefits of more CO2 in the atmosphere will outweigh any harm. Published research demonstrates the Earth is undergoing global greening and increased agricultural productivity due to the fertilization effects of more CO2.

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