Hate group hits jackpot Powerline Blog
Posted: 26 Aug 2017 06:36 AM PDT
(Scott Johnson)
The ludicrously misnamed Southern Poverty Law Center has become a scam operating as a left-wing hate cult. The SPLC specializes in directing something far beyond the Orwellian Two Minutes Hate to the likes of Charles Murray and Ayaan Hirsi Ali and others it designates for opprobrium as “extremists” or a “hate group.” Where once was Emmanuel Goldstein and his followers is now Murray, Ali and a host of others guilty of thoughtcrime.
Earlier this year Charles Murray responded to the SPLC’s libel of him in “Charles Murray’s SPLC page as edited by Charles Murray.” This week Ms. Ali took to the New York Times to ask why the SPLC is hating on her and her friends.
If there is such a thing as a “hate group,” the SPLC is it. Indeed, I think it can safely be declared “Our leading hate group.”
Among recent columns that have nailed this outfit are Mark Pulliam’s “A demagogic bully” and “Provocateur journalism.” Going back to 2014, a good Washington Times editorial adds to the picture.
In the column linked above Ms. Ali notes that the SPLC has hit the jackpot in the aftermath of the violence in Charlottesville that left one woman dead and 19 injured. It “is set to receive millions of dollars in donations” from Apple, JPMorgan Chase and others. John noted Apple’s $1 million pledge to the SPLC last week; Apple will also match employee donations to the SPLC on a two-for-one basis.
In her weekly Wall Street Journal column Kim Strassel takes note. Referring to the SPLC’s online “Hate Map” listing 917 American “hate groups,” she observes: “The SPLC alone decides who goes on the list, but its criteria are purposely vague. Since the SPLC is a far-left activist group, the map comes down to this: If the SPLC doesn’t agree with your views, it tags you as a hater.” She writes:
In the last sentence Kim attributes corporate support for the SPLC to a quest for good headlines, but that seems to me an unduly charitable interpretation. I think it derives from something more sinister and revealing. The totalitarian tendencies of the left are at work, herding us into line. Big business long ago fell in. Orwell’s account is suggestive: “The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but, on the contrary, that it was impossible to avoid joining in.” We are to join the mob or become its victim.
Moses said to the people in his final charge "I put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life...Be strong and resolute..for the Lord will not forsake you" Deut. 30 and 31. Former US National Debate Champion and Ordained Rabbi tackles issues of Public Policy, Israel, Islamic Terrorism, Antisemitism, Jewish Wisdom and the Chicago Bears
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