
Sunday, January 21, 2018

Fools marching yesterday to protest what?

Leftist women marched yesterday to protest the first anniversary (of 7 more to go) of POTUS TRUMP. These idiots are protesting the greatest first year of any Potus in a 100 years, and his cleaning up the Obama disaster.
1. Obama was WORST president in at least 100 years. His 8 years:

a. Record poverty

b. Worst EVER economic growth, never ONCE = 3% annually

c. Massive increase racial tension

d. DOUBLED all Previous DEBT $9 trillion to $20 trillion

e. Massive increase illegal immigration They will lie and claim he deported more than any. That s because he CHANGED the DEFINITION of deportation to include “catch and release.”

f. Most anti-SEMITIC act in WORLD in 2016 was his “out-the-door” UN abstention declaring much of Israel illegally occupied territory

g. Cozied up to most of world’s worst tyrants including Chavez (venezuala), Putin, Iran, Castro, Turkey,

h. Catastrophic Iran led has led to massive upsurge in Iran terrorist activity

i. Did nothing to slow N Korea nuclear program

j. Gutted military

k. Obamacare built on a lies: “keep your dr, keep your plan, save avg. famly $2500 annually, will cost S only $900 billion .” ALL LIES.

l. Obamacare has left just as many uninsured and most new insured were 1. Forced by law to enroll or 2. Given free Medicaid care well beyond original intention of Medicaid.

m. Democrats CAUSED 2007 recession, not Bush…/new-study-finds-democrat…/

n. Spent hundreds of millions and used staff to try and defeat israel’s prime Minister in their sovereign electons

2. Trump has BEST first year of any president in 100 years

a. Already 2 consecutive quarters of 3% or more economic growth

b. massive DECREASE in illegal immigration

c. Faster deregulation than under Reagan

d. Unemployment lowest in decades

e. Surge in stock markets to record after record

f. tax reform to further surge economy

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