
Monday, February 12, 2018

Would a Democrat please explain how they are any different than those who supported Hitler.

Would a Democrat please explain how they are any different than those who supported Hitler. Iran uses obamadollars to threaten world peace. Terrorist Obama promises mullahs in 2008, as candidate, a great deal. He promised us the Iran deal would civilize Iran. We all knew it was folly but still 52/54 Dems supported this catastrophe. Now Iran becomes bolder and bolder, financing their terrorism with obamadollars. Iran represents an existential threat to 7 million Jews in Israel, aided by #obamadollars. Most American Jews support this Obama genocidal disaster. Democrats destroy everything they touch. Evil evil evil

To be a Democrat today is to be stupid, misinformed, or just evil. Democrats after 8 years of Obama =record poverty, doubled all previous debt, worst ever economic pathetic growth over 8 years, collapsing Obamacare sold on lies, all our enemies and adversaries flourished ( Iran, Al Quida, Isis, N Korea, China, Russia), coddled dictators (Cuba, Venezuela, ), gutted our military, used IRS to abuse pro-Israel and conservative groups, corrupted Justice Dept. (Loretta Lynch meets with Bill Clinton), Israel backstabbed repeatedly, race riots, killing of police, massive illegal immigration, one million new Shariah supporting Muslims, record anti-Semitism on college campuses from Obama’s Muslims, record business killing regulations,
A. Obama worst President ever
1. Most anti-Semitic…/obama-refusal-israel-vot…/ Hillary lifetime of anti-Israel views…/hillary-anti-israel-…
2. Most pro Islamic terrorism Hundreds of examples…/the-evidence-is-clea…
3. Worst economic record…/barack-obama-now-only-president…
4. Record poverty…
5. Worst foreign policy. World on fire. Catastrophic Iran deal. 500,000 dead in Syria. Islamic terrorism explodes. Russia, China, N Korea get bolder,…/barack-obama-was-a-foreign-poli…/
B. Hillary corrupt, evil, incompetent…/50-reasons-to-oppose…
C. Democratic Party today is EVIL Why we believe the Democratic Party/LEFT is EVIL. Examples…/why-we-believe-democ…
D. Trump success after success. Best first year ever…/trump-is-having-best…
1. Economy booming because of deregulations at rate faster than Reagan and tax cuts
2. Best friend Israel ever had in White House…/trumps-emergence-as-…
3. Record low Black unemployment
4. Rebuilding Obama’s gutted military to secure world

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