
Sunday, March 18, 2018

There has never been a more pro Israel administration

Trump is beloved in Israel. Obama was despised.
Nickey Haley at UN
Orthodox Jew David Friedman US Ambassador
New Secr of State nominee
Mike Pompeo, tapped to become the new secretary of state, is a major hawk on Iran and a fierce defender of Israel.
In particular, Pompeo is a strong opponent of the nuclear deal with Iran.
As the Algemeiner reports:
Pompeo is known for his hawkish views on the Islamic republic and its nuclear program. He has said that former president Barack Obama’s nuclear accord with Iran will not “stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb” and “places Israel at more risk.” Shortly after President Trump was elected, Pompeo tweeted, “I look forward to rolling back this disastrous deal with the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism.”
He also strongly condemned the Obama administration’s claim that the nuclear deal would lead to a less aggressive Iran, saying, “The theory that post-sanctions Iran will moderate is a joke – they want to annihilate Israel.” In addition, Pompeo stated, “Ceasing to call for the destruction of Israel should have been a condition of the Iran Deal.”
Pompeo will likely take a hard line against Iranian expansionism in general, as he has called Iran “a despotic theocracy” and “the vanguard of a pernicious empire that is expanding its power and influence across the Middle East.”
Pompeo's predecessor Rex Tillerson, on the other hand, was seen as weak on Iran and prone to concessions on reforming or dumping the nuclear deal.

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