
Saturday, April 28, 2018

Deep racism of the Democratic Party

1. Virtually Every slave was owned by Democrats. Every KKK Democrat. Every segregationist democrats democrats opposed all equal rights amendments fir blacks. Evil racists

2. Democrats still run plantations enslaving blacks. The Urban Centers. designed welfare which has decimated black families and led to 6 generations of welfare dependency. All for black votes. Disgusting racism by democrats. You fail to deny 200 years of Democratic explicit racism. Give me one piece of evidence that Democrats are not racists. They have successfully conned blacks into voting for them

Ronald Kessler’s book, Inside the White House: The Hidden Lives of the Modern Presidents and the Secrets of the World’s Most Powerful Institution, published in 1995:

Johnson, like other presidents, would often reveal his true motivations in asides that the press never picked up. During one trip, Johnson was discussing his proposed civil rights bill with two governors. Explaining why it was so important to him, he said it was simple: “I’ll have them n... voting Democratic for two hundred years.”

“That was the reason he was pushing the bill,” said MacMillan, who was present during the conversation. “Not because he wanted equality for everyone. It was strictly a political ploy for the Democratic party. He was phony from the word go.”

Trump is trying to remedy some of this Democratic racism through free market. We now have HISTORIC LOW black unemployment after Obama left us with record poverty.

KKK=Democratic party
Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s.”

Here are just a few of the ugly things that Democrats have done to blacks, and hope no one will remember:
‐ The Democratic party supported slavery from its inception in the 1830s until it split over the issue in 1860. In January 1865, 100 percent of House Republicans supported the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery. Among those who voted, 78 percent of House Democrats opposed abolition.
‐ Democrats Horatio Seymour and Francis Blair ran for president and vice president in 1868 on this general-election campaign slogan: “This is a white man’s country: Let white men rule.”
‐ Democratic President Woodrow Wilson segregated the previously integrated facility beside the White House, now called the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.
Source: The Chicago Defender, October 15, 1932
“Beginning Wednesday, Aug. 9, 1916, the toilets in the state, war, and navy department buildings will be allotted for use as toilets . . . For Women . . . For White Men . . . [and] For Colored Men,” read the actual segregation order. It was signed by none other than the assistant secretary of the Navy, Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt
‐ Democrats sank U.S. Representative Leonidas Dyer’s (R., Mo.) Anti-Lynching Bill. This measure — which would have made lynching a federal crime and shielded blacks from being hanged in trees — passed the Republican-controlled House in January 1922. Outrageously, Senate Democrats filibustered it that November. And the lynchings roared on.
‐ Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt nominated former Klansman Hugo Black to the Supreme Court in 1937. After letting his supporters claim that he never associated with the KKK, Justice Black eventually confessed that he had joined the Klan and earned a “gold passport” or life membership.
‐ Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder for decades with the late U.S. senator and former Klansman Robert Byrd (D., W.Va.). As the Washington Post explained, Byrd recruited 150 Klansmen for the Crab Orchard, W.Va., KKK. His local chapter unanimously elected him “Exalted Cyclops.” Byrd wrote the KKK’s Imperial Wizard in 1946: “The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia.”
Democrats ignored all of this and embraced Byrd as their Senate leader as recently as 1989. Hillary Clinton called Byrd “my friend and mentor.” At Byrd’s July 2010 funeral, President Obama eulogized this hatemonger: “It seems to me that his life bent toward justice.”
Compare Democrats’ half century of solidarity with Byrd, an actual Ku Klux Klan leader, with their unbridled, race-fueled vitriol against Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a non-KKK alumnus man who helped steer Klansman Henry Francis Hays into Alabama’s electric chair.
‐ Democrat Theophilus Eugene “Bull” Connor — the über-racist commissioner of public safety in Birmingham, Ala. — arrayed snarling police dogs and high-pressure firehoses against peaceful civil-rights protesters. When he wasn’t busy oppressing blacks, Connor served as one of Alabama’s two representatives on the Democratic National Committee.
‐ Democrats filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Senator Robert “KKK” Byrd decried this measure on the Senate floor for 14 hours, as did other Southern Democrats. Senator Everett Dirksen (R., Ill.) finally mustered enough votes to break the Democrats’ filibuster, but Byrd and 22 other Southern Democrats still spurned America’s cornerstone civil-rights legislation. Nonetheless, the bill passed, and Democratic President Lyndon Baines Johnson signed it into law.
‐ Democrats furnished ten of the eleven votes against Thurgood Marshall as America’s first black Supreme Court justice. These ten were joined in August 1967 by Senator Strom Thurmond (R., S.C.), a former segregationist Democrat who turned GOP. Despite recent liberal claims that Dixiecrats morphed into Republicans, Thurmond is the only prominent one who did. Notorious segregationists such as Governors Orval Faubus of Arkansas and George Wallace of Alabama and Senators J. William Fulbright of Arkansas and Albert Gore Sr. of Tennessee died as Democrats.
‐ Democrats today frequently deliver this humiliating insult: Blacks are too feeble and benighted to present ID cards at the polls (although it’s apparently okay to demand ID of blacks at airports, banks, federal buildings, and even to buy anti-cold remedies).
Democrats claim that blacks are less likely than whites to carry ID cards. If so, why haven’t Democrats led the charge to secure every undocumented black American an ID card, to facilitate full participation in modern life? Instead, Democrats do next to nothing to empower the ultimate little guys — blacks who lack ID. Rather, they deploy this vulnerable population as human shields against Republican ballot-integrity efforts. Meanwhile, Democrats routinely belittle blacks as too collectively pathetic to possess photo ID cards.

Democrats rarely admit to any of the above, and their bodyguards in the Old Guard media rarely bother them with any of these inconvenient truths. What a shame.

Racism and anti-Semitism in this country are 99% Democrats/leftists
Martin Luther King wanted a color blind society, where only character and values count. The Democrats have shunned that view today, dividing all identity only by color and race, and not merit or character. Republicans do not see color. We only care about character and merit.
1.       1. Virtually 100% of all slaves in US were owned by Democrats. KKK was 100 % Democrats. All opposition to civil rights amendments and laws was Democrats. Republican Lincoln freed the slaves. LBJ passed the civil rights laws only with republican help, but his goal, as quoted in books was to "CON" blacks into voting democratic.  Today Democrats run our large urban areas where their policies have led to disintegration of Black families, massive murder of blacks by blacks, 80% teenage unwed mother births, rampant poverty.
2.       Blacklivesmatter 250,000 chant to kill cops, have labelled Israel a fascist state, aligned with Muslim terrorists.   and
3.       Antifa was started German communists as violent wing.
4.       New Black Panther Party and Nation of Islam calls white people the “devil” and call for mass murder of whites.
5.       Racial tension experienced massive surge under Obama, who did all he could to exacerbate it.
6.       Democrat after Democrat calls or violence to undo results of our Democratic election.
7.       Bernie’s group, Democratic Socialists are leading anti-Israel group.
The leftist mantra “Trump is a nazi’ is a slanderous LIE, with no basis. They use it to cover up their racism and anti-Semitism.

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