
Monday, May 7, 2018

Besides advocating cop killing, hating Israel, close ties to Islamic terror groups and lying about extent of police killings blacks without cause, what else is wrong with BLM?

Black Lives Matter activist Tamika Mallory claims the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) can’t lead “anti-bias training” because they support Israel and have history of “attacking black people.” There’s only one problem: No such history exists.
Starbucks Coffee came under fire when one of its managers called the police on two black customers who refused to leave the store. As an apology, Starbucks will close 8,000 stores for an afternoon and mandate that all its employees go through “implicit bias” training to make them less racist. They chose the ADL, a Jewish organization, to head up the training. Mallory and others objected to the partnership with ADL, with some claiming the organization is “anti-black.”
Mallory was recently dragged through the coals for attending a speech by known racist and anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan. Similar to Farrakhan, the BLM movement in general views Israel as an “apartheid state” guilty of “genocide.” Further, the ADL has never shown any prejudice against the black community, criticizing only black supremacist organizations like Nation of Islam. In fact, the ADL supports much of the BLM’s platform on police shootings and education equality.
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The ADL has even produced a school curriculum surrounding the BLM movement, even though it doesn’t embrace every tenet of the BLM platform. The ADL has, however, openly criticized BLM’s stance on Israel.
Martin Luther “King’s message was about building bridges, bringing people together, and joining forces to fight hate and oppression,” wrote Kenneth Jacobson, deputy national director for the ADL. “Comparing American racism and Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians, by contrast, seems driven by individuals more invested in undermining the Jewish state than in furthering race relations in America or working toward a solution to the conflict the Middle East.”
The ADL maintains a good relationship with the NAACP — it’s only BLM that condemns them as anti-black, and coincidentally, it’s also only BLM that hates Israel.

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