
Sunday, May 13, 2018

Not a single Democrat in Congress is here for the Embassy change

Not a single Democrat in Congress is here for the Embassy change. They are afraid to alienate their Farakhan/Bernie Sanders/Jew killer Rasmea Odeh-Linda Sarsour base of Israel haters. It is a Trump love fest in Israel. True Zionists are Trump lovers. Phony "Zionists are Democrats today. 250,000 Arab terrorists are expected to breach Gaza fence and cause havoc and violence.
Obama vs Trump on Israel
1. spent millions in Israel to try and defeat Bibi. Failed
2. Called Bibi "chickensh.t".
3. Demanded Israel go back to "Auschwitz Lines" of 1947. Failed
4. Most anti-Semitic Act in the world in 2016 (according to Wiesenthal nazi
hunting Organization) with his out-the-door abstention which labelled much of
Jerusalem "illegally occupied"…/obama-refusal-israel-vot…/

5. State Dept called Judea and Samaria "occupied"
6. Failed to deliver on promise to recognize Jerusalem as capital
7. Told Iran US would defend Iran if Israel attacked!

8. Created genocidal Iran deal which never got ratified by Senate and iran
never signed (
9. gave hundreds of millions to Palestinians
which they used to fund murderers of Jews

11. Locked Israel into 10 year aid
agreement that precludes congress from increasing it.…/us-israeli-aid-package-is-both-his…

Trump so far on Israel;
1. Nixed Obama's catastrophic Iran deal. Warns Iran against resumption of program.…/trump-warns-iran-of-severe-cons…

2. Recognizing Jerusalem
3. Reversing State Dept. claiming Judea and Samaria are occupied
4. Got Taylor Force ACT, denying use of our tax dollars for Palestinians to
fund murderers of Jews
5. Told Israel US has their back

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