
Sunday, May 27, 2018

Obama and Netflix deal. The first list of shows have been revealed. They are

Obama and Netflix deal. 

The first list of show themes have been revealed. They are

1. My bromance with Farakhan

2. My youth in Islamic schools

3. My dinner with terrorists Edward Said and Rashid Khalidi

4. My bromance with Chavez and Castro.

5. My wife hated America until I won.

6. Why I let 5 terrorist leaders free to get back and honor deserter/traitor Bo Bergdhal 

7. Why I committed treason to make genocidal deal with Iran mullahs

8. How I managed to replace Carter as worst president ever

9. How I corrupted FBI, IRS and Justice Dept to advance my evil Democratic Party

10. Why I had Eric Holder give guns to mexican drug leaders.

11. Why I had govt hundreds of millions to my chrony buddies for failed Solyndra

12. Why I let Russia have 20% of our uranium

13. why I gutted our military

14. Why I had worst ever economic growth over 8 years

15. why I love debt. Doubled all debt is  my term

16. My 26 years listening to Rev. Jeremiah Wrighte sermonize about "G-d Damn America"

17. Why I told Rev. Wright i wanted to "pretend" convert from islam to christianity for political expediency

18. My close friendship with Pentagon Bomber Bill Ayers

19. why not one piece of work or evidence that I wrote in college or law school has surfaced

20. Why I did nothing in 2016 when i learned russians were meddling in the election

21. Why I lied and blamed Benghazi on a video when i knew it was an organized AlQuida mission

22. why I conspired with Al Sharpton to have many race riots which have all stopped since trump won

23. Why I conspired with IRS to harass and abuse my opponents
24. Why I couldn't knock Isis out of Iraq in 8 yrs and Trump did it in a few months
25. The story behind my " most anti-Semitic act in the world 2016" when I had us abstain at UN on Anti Israel resolution on my way out of office.
26. I knew Americans were stupid so I lied and lied and lied and got Obamacare passed anyway

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