
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

only morons can think peace with the terrorist Palestinians is really possible after this.

If anyone ever thought a 2 state solution was possible, only morons can think peace with the terrorist Palestinians, who want to steal Jewish land and kill Jews, is really possible after this.
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has drawn wide rebuke for suggesting that the Holocaust carried out by Nazi Germany during World War II was brought on by the financial practices of Jewish Europeans. Speaking to a meeting of the Palestinian National Council in the West Bank, Abbas said in reference to the Holocaust "the Jewish question that was widespread throughout Europe was not against their religion but against their social function which relates to usury [money-lending] and banking and such," according to the BBC. Abbas, who has a history of Holocaust denial, went on to say that Jewish Europeans killed in the Holocaust did not share any relation to the Semitic, or Jewish people..

and abbas is supposedly the "moderate" compared to Hamas, which is open in its call to destroy Israel.

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