
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The flaw of the Never Trumpers or those who say “I don’t like him but…”

The flaw of the Never Trumpers or those who say “I don’t like him but…”
Jonathan Tobin wrote this  article called “Wrong Man, right decision”
Where he argues essentially “I don’t like Trump” but he did the right thing. He admits he is smarter than all the idiots and weak kneed folks in the foreign policy establishment.
Then reason ther NevertTrumpers, and those who say “I don’t like him but…”  are so WRONG, is simple.
A person is a whole package. If he was different he a. would not have defeated 16 seasoned pols to get the nomination. None of the others could have defeated Hillary and we’d be back in the disaster of the Obama years.  b. Made $10 billion dollars  c. Achieved so many things in 16 months as Potus, reversing the disaster of the Obama years.   You don’t buy a powerful car and then complain it runs on expensive gas.
Bill Clinton raped women. Ted Kennedy left his mistress to die. Jimmy Carter was an Israel hater. People liked Obama’s personality and the crease in his pants, but he did his best to wreck the economy, inflame race riots and see the world burn in Islamic terrorism, Chinese, N Korean, Iranian and Russian expansion.
You don’t like Trump’s tweets or his maybe affair with Stormy? 90% of the media is attacking him daily because of their left winged crazed bias. Democrats lost fair and square so from day 1 they have tried to undermine his presidency and saddled him and us with non-stop nonsense about Russian collusion, when Obama knew about their interference all along and did nothing, and felonious Hillary got a get out of jail free from Comey.
Meanwhile day after day, real results transforming America and the world to the good, reversing the nightmare of Obama, making America great again, and miracle after miracle for Israel.
Who cares if you like him? WSJournal said “we don’t like anything about him jut his POLICIES!!!!”
Choice was the criminal in the poants suit who wpould have done worse than Obama for us and the world. We are very lucky. Embrace it.

                            OBAMA 8 yrs worst ever POTUS                                              TRUMP Great Potus
1.       Worst poverty ever                                          1. Poverty reduced  
2.       Massive surge food stamp dependency       2. Millions less dependent on food stamps
3.       Worst ever economic growth over 8 years  3. Already 3% and rising
4.       Race riots                                                            4. No race riots
5.       Catastrophic Iran deal                                       5. Iran deal nixed
6.       Obamacare FORCES mandate                          6. Mandate repealed
7.       Justice Scalia dies (killed?)                                7. Conservative justice replaces Scalia
8.       No progress stopping N Korea                         8. Promising talks with N Korea soon
9.       Israel told to retreat to Auschwitz lines of 47 9. State dept. no longer calls W Bank occupied
10.   Spent millions to
11.   and did nothing about Russian interference 2016 election
12.   interfere and defeat Bibi    10. Bibi best buds with Trump
13.   Knew
14.   Did nothing about his red line in Syria              12. Trump 2x bombs Syria
15.   Did nothing when Russia invaded Ukraine       13. Imposes sanctions
16.   Did nothing to confront China S. China sea militarization 14. Sent task force to Sea
17.   Highest world corporate tax                                15. Reduced to 21%
18.   Record business killing regulations enacted     16. Fastest deregulation in history
19.   Open borders let in millions of thousands illegals  17. Wants secure wall and beefed up enforcement
20.   Massive increase black unemployment                18. Record low black unemployment
21.   Token unsuccessful effort vs Isis                            19. Defeats ISiS in 3 weeks
22.   Chrony capitalism billions to friends corps wasted  20. Ends it
23.   Surge in police killings                                                    21. Massive decrease
24.   Transgender talk dominates                                         22. Minimized
25.   Jerusalem discriminated against. Not recognized as capital 24. Trump recognizes
26.   State dept calls Judea/Samaria occupied terr,      25. Trump reverses it.

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