
Saturday, May 19, 2018

The left defends the evil, phony "Palestinians" vs the democratic and sensational country of Israel

Only morons and anti-Semites can think peace with the terrorist Palestinians, who want to steal Jewish land and kill Jews, is possible now.
1.       Palestinians are a phony, made up “people” in 1960s, used as a wedge vs Israel. Arabs admit there is no Palestinian Arab people in history.

2. Even the so called "moderates," are evil.
-PLO was born in 1964 when Israel did not control the West Bank or Gaza. That PROVES goal of Palestnians was ALL of Israel.
-They always deny the fact of 4000 years tie of Jews to the land
-their leader, Abbas, received his PHD in Holocaust denial
-they lie about Jews stealing "their land". It was always Jewish land, for 4000.  Israel’s claim to “the West Bank” is based in the Jews’ historic presence in that area, the legal scope of the Palestine Mandate, and Israel’s recapture in 1967 of territories rightfully belonging to Israel which were illegally occupied by Jordan since 1948, and over which Jordan had no legitimate claim. Virtually none of those claiming land had land inside Israel. Their grandparents came to the area from Arabia (Arabs are from Arabia) for economic reasons when the Jews made it fertile. The land has always been Jewish. Before the Romans named it Palestina 2000 years ago, it was Judea (Jews). The Palestinians there were Jewish, not Muslims. 800,000 Jews, whose families lived in Arab lands fo 2500, were expelled overnight when Israel became a state, with no compensation. That is what happens to refugees.
-they give hundreds of millions to their terrorists who kill Jews.
-they name their streets after these "heros"
-their school textbooks feature Jewish hatred as bad as anything the Nazis wrote
-their summer camps train young terrorists
-8 times they rejected to the opportunity for sovereignty with war and mass murder
-explicitly reject the idea of living beside a Jewish state.
-Out of the tens of millions of refugees since WW2, “Palestinians ALONE have not been allowed to be absorbed by their sister nations, so they can be used as cynical weapon vs Israel.
3. Hamas openly calls for Israel's destruction and the killing of all Jews.

4. Gaza
a. British MP admits he was WRONG to condemn Israel after new Hamas revelations
b. Retired Col. Richard Kemp, who was commander of British forces in Afghanistan, is at Israel’s border with Gaza and has stated that the IDF is adhering to the highest code of military conduct.
c. A Palestinian rioter who was arrested by IDF forces on Tuesday after breaching the border fence and infiltrating into Israel admitted that Hamas is orchestrating the border violence to maintain its grip on Gaza, and that it is cynically using women and children as weapons.
“Hamas organized the demonstrations so that people would not turn on them,” he said, according to Israel’s Ynet news.
He explained that the humanitarian crisis in the Strip has significantly deteriorated and so Hamas planned the so-called March of Return to “let people blow off steam,” and did so in a way that helps their “cause.”
Their plan, as well as their propaganda worked, he said.
“Hamas controls everything in the Strip. Hamas sends us messages to our Facebook accounts and to our cellphones. They [Hamas operatives] come to mosques handing leaflets saying to go to the fence. When there’s electricity, and televisions can be turned on all you can see is the march [of return]. People got worn down and bored, and I’m one of those people,” he said.
He also backed Israel’s declaration that Hamas is using women and children as human shields in the violence, which they use as cover terror attacks.
“They tell women to go forward. They say to the woman: Go ahead, you are a woman, and the Israeli army does not shoot at women. They tell small children: Go ahead, the army does not shoot at small children. They tell a child to go ahead and he goes, it’s a little boy. They deceive him,” he said mournfully."
e. People are asking why live ammunition? If there was another way to avoid countless dead Israelis, the IDF would do it. Rubber bullets and hoses do not work. The snipers shot the terrorists who were going to kill Jews and since Hamas TRIED to get their own killed, some were accidentally. Don't send 30,000 to break down a fence and commit meyhem if you don't want casualties. A simple thing but the Pope, Bernie and Pocahontas and the White House Press core are too stupid or anti Semitic to understand

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