
Sunday, June 10, 2018

America was run by the KGB (Soros) for 8 years under Obama.

America was run by the KGB for 8 years under Obama. If I am found dead from internal radiation poisoning, you’ll know I’m right.
1.       Obama decided to start his political career after a meeting with Soros where he received his backing and financial support
2.       Though Jewish, Soros was a Nazi collaborator during the war, and then after the USSR seized control of Hungary, Soros became KGB. Once KGB, always KGB.

3.       Obama paid Soros back by funneling huge money to him throughout Obama’s presidency
4.       Soros funded many of Obama’s nefarious activities
a.       Anti-Israel JStreet . For years, J Street falsely denied that anti-Zionist billionaire George Soros was a major J Street funder. Soros and his children continue to be major J Street donors, and Soros’ foundations work closely with J Street.
b.      Al Sharpton was invited 85 times to Obama’s White House. What followed ere many race riots all of which have stopped under Trump. Soros funded the Ferguson and Baltimore riots with $33 million. This has worked to split the American and Israeli jewish communities
5.       Obama’s pro KGB endorsed actions
a.       Belittled Romney’s concerns about Russia as strategic threat during 2012 campaign
b.      Caught on live mic he thought was off, telling Medvidev Obama would be “more flexible” after reelection
c.       Did nothing when Russia entered Syria to prop up Assad and bring in ran, after US kept Russia out of Middle East for 70 years
d.      Did nothing when Russia entered Ukraine
f.        Gutted our military dangerously
g.       Knew about Russia interference in our election and did nothing.
There is no way a president would do all these terrible things which helped Russia, unless they were under the influence of the KGB.
h.      Russia would want the US economy weakened and civil society disrupted.. Under Obama, he doubled our debt, had the worst EVER economic growth rate over 8 years, added thousands business killing regulations, record poverty, race riots, blacklivesmatter started, millions more illegal immigrants etc.

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