
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Democrats: racism, Naziism, Socialism, =Disaster

The Democrats: Racists, Nazi tactics, anti-Semites, socialists, Facist THUGS

Obama=record poverty, worst ever economic growth over 8 years, doubled all previous debt, gutted military, did nothing to fix VA, stop Isis, stop Russia, N. Korea stop china. Worst presidency ever. Trump is fixing all that.

Besides that, the Dems are very dangerous in 5 ways:
1. Have always been RACISTS and still are. LBJ passed the civil rights act to , as he said "con them into voting Democratic". The new plantations are the ghettos, controlled by mayor Dems, and Obama changed the welfare policies back to the way they were used destroy the black family and culture. The only ones who ever helped them are Republicans, such as now with Trump's record low black unemployment, following their losing in every category under Obama.
2. are following the trajectory of the NAZI tactics of the early 30s'. Control media. side with those advocating genocide of Jews. (radical muslim groups) Side with those spouting classic antiSemitism (Farakhan). Using media as propaganda arm etc. Using thugury to shout down and intimidate opponents.
3. 98% ANTI-SEMITISM in US comes from Democrat supported grups
4. SOCIALISM=DISASTER. More and more they are adopting the economic views that turned venezuela into starving, violent, horrific place and led to the deaths of 100,000,000 people under Stalin, Mao, Castro, Hitler, Pol Pot: all socialists.
SOURCES of the evidence and reasoning
More and more, The Dems in Congress are extreme radical leftist socialists and Israel haters.…/.premium-democrat-who-slammed-isr…

As Muslim terrorist supporter and DNC VP, Keith Ellison, runs for AG of Minnesota, his likely replacement is Somali Muslim/ vicious Israel hater. It goes on and on.

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