
Sunday, June 24, 2018

Did Obama do anything good in 8 years?

Did Obama do anything good in 8 years?
Did nothing to fix VA.
Did nothing about Isis
Did nothing about infrastructure besides waste 1 million
Did nothing to fix immigration
Did nothing to stop Russia interference in election
Did nothing to stop Russia invading Crimea
Did nothing to stop unfair trade
Did nothing to stop China building and militarizing in South China Sea
Did nothing to stop china stealing our intellectual property
and all the horrible things he did to make America and the world much worse::
Democrats had their chance over last 8 years and it was a catastrophe. Obama's presidency was a catastrophe and under Trump, America is soaring. Only deranged people cannot see the obvious truth. Trump is doing the OPPOSITE of Obama/Democrats and America is improving daily..
Republicans are a. rebuilding Obama’s butted military. B. Huge cut in corporate tax and c. massive deregulation of Obama’s record new regulations spurs great growth: Worst growth rate ever under Obama for 8 years, never achieving even 3%, now to 4.8% this quarter. D. Nix Obama’s disastrous Iran deal, which was never submitted to Congress, and confronting Iran, which our Arab allies are begging us to do, after Obama got on knees to them to give them whatever they wanted. E. End Obamacare mandate which Obama sold on lie after lie. F. Millions less on food stamps after Obama’s record usage.. G. Record low black unemployment after Blacks suffered in every category under Obama. . G. Possible progress with N Korea after Obama did nothing.. H. Repaired disastrous relations with Israel, after Obama committed most “anti-Semitic act in the world in 2016” vs Israel, now: Jerusalem is capital, Judea/Samaria no longer called “occupied”. Obama told Iran he would defend them AGAINST Israel but Trump gives Israel weapons it needs to fight Iran .I. Obama’s contrived race riots (planned by Sharpton who was Obama guest 85 times and financed by Sorso, ENDED. J. exposes corruption by Obama of IRS, FBI, justice dept. K. Working to control obama’s Open border policy. 65,000 murdered b illegals since 2001. L. After dithering for 8 years about Isis, Trump kicks them out of Iraq/Syria in months. M. Fixes VA. M. Fixes Dodd Frank. N. Dependent on foreign oil to oil exporter. O. Scandal aftsr scandal. Lie after lie of Obama. Now, most of this great change is Trump, but if Democrats win congress, we have regression and retreat, no progress and more Democratic disasters.
From worst president ever to amazing success.
You have to be stupid or a traitor to want Democrats back in power.

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