
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Do you remember the disastrous world Democrat Obama gave us? Obama was empirically the worst president in US.

Do you remember the disastrous world Democrat Obama gave us? Obama was empirically the worst president in US. 
     He doubled all previous debt/record poverty/race riots/Military gutted/Obama gave Iranians whatever they wanted to proliferate terrorism/massive illegal immigration/ /Lie after lie to sell Obamacare/Isis ensconced in Iraq-Syria and he calls them “JV”/Russia invades Crimea, he does nothing/record worst ever economic growth over 8 years/most anti-Semitic act in world 2016 by Obama with UN abstention/IRS harassing Obama opponents/FBI corrupted by pro-Democratic agents/N Korea sending missiles over Japan and testing nuks and we did 0/gives 20% our uranium to Russia/radical leftist judges appointed in droves/doing nothing while Russia returns to interfere in Middle East after we kept them out for 70 years/record amount business killing regulations enacted/elect anti-Semite Keith Ellsion VP of DNC
     Then they nominate corrupt Hillary, who had foreign nationals hack our top secrets on her unsecured private server and used their phony “charitable” foundation in a massive pay-to-play scheme.
And it is only getting worse.
     As socialist Venezuela deteriorates into people starving, socialist Bernie doubles down on it.
They want to make certain speech illegal : criticism of Islam as they have in Canada and Britian , disputing the science of climate change, etc.
Many want to confiscate all guns as Stalin and Hitler did
They embrace Blacklivesmatter which embraces Islamic terror groups
They attack anyone as racist who calls out their embrace of anti-Semite Farrakhan
They want to abolish merit based achievement being rewarded
They want to inflict VA level socialized medicine on all of us.
They highlight Jew killing advocates Linda Sarsour and Rosea Odea (who killed 2 israelis)
They want higher taxes, more regulation,
In under 2 years, Trump is well on his way to fixing all of it. Best President ever follows worst president ever. In 1 ½ years, Trump:
Soaring economy/historic lowest black unemployment/kill massive Obama regulations/rebuild military/force Isis out of Syria and Iraq/going after MS-13 gang/reduced world’s highest corporate tax rate to help business/ended forcing people to swallow Obamacare or be taxed/ +++
Vote REPUBLICAN in November!!!!

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