
Sunday, June 3, 2018

Is Obama stupid or just diabolical?

Obama is actually quite stupid. (or is it all diabolical?)
1. Without a teleprompter, he was a bumbling fool.
2. Never produced one piece of proof of any college or law school course work
3. Could not get plan to deal with Isis in 8 years. Trump knocked them out of Iraq and Syria ne a few months.
4. Made fun of Romney’s concern about Russia in 2012 debate, when it has been Russia Russia Russia since.
5. Could not figure out how dangerous it was to draw red line in Syria and then not enforce it
6. Could not figure out it was horrible negotiating tactic with Russia to tell Medvedev (when he thought mike was off) that he’d be more “flexible” after he won in 2012
7. He thought massive new regs and highest world corporate tax rate would help economy when, in fact, it resulted in worst ever economic growth over 8 years of any president
8. He thought he’d enhance peace in Middle East by creating “daylight” with Israel and abandon ning Israel in UN, when t did the opposite.
9. Thought by embracing blacklivesmatter he’d enhance race relations, when in fact, it led to regular race riots, and worsening race relations
10. Thought we had 57 states
11. Did not know how to pronounce Marine corpsmen

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