
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Can not Trust Democrats to safeguard American foreign policy

1. FDR handed over half of europe to Stalin at Yalta, gifting the the iron Curtain that Reagan successfully freed.
2. JFK so blew the meeting with Kruschev that it resulted in Cuban Missile Crisis
3. Carter was so inept, Iran took our hostages and released them the day Reagan took over
4. Obama /Hillary/Kerry the worst
  a. benghazi
  b. Let russia back to meddle in Middle East after 70 years of keeping them out
  c. Took our missiles out of Poland
  d. drew red line in Syria and then ignored it
  e. genocidal iran deal
  f. UN abstention in 2016 labelled "most anti-semitic act in the world " by Simon Wiesenthal nazi hunting organization
  g. Tried to cut iron Dome funding 2x
  h. demanded israel withdraw to "Auschwitz" lines of 1947
  i. Used US tax dollars to try (unsuccessfully) to interfere in Israeli election and defeat netanyahu
  j. made fun of romney in 2012 debate for suggesting Russia was strategic foe
  k. Did nothing while Russia invaded crimea and Ukraine. (Vs Trump Mike Pompeo Says U.S. Will Not Recognize Russia’s Annexation of Crimea
  l. Palled around with chavez, castro, Turkey's Erdegon
  m. Did nothing to stop chinese aggression in South China Sea
  n. Libya deteriorated into terrorist haven because of US policy
  o. Forced Mubarak out in Egypt and tried to place Muslim Terrorist Muslom Brotherhood leader morsi until thrown out by Egyptians
  p. laughable "reset" button with Russia
  q. Did virtually nothing to slow isis in 8 years. took trump a couple of months to push them out of their state
  r. Did nothing about N. Korean nuclear development
  s. knew about Russian meddling in 2016 election and did nothing

Dennis Prager
'.....If truth mattered to the media, every American would know Trump has been harder on Russia than former President Barack Obama was. Every American would be reminded that Obama reassured Putin's right-hand man, then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev, that he wouldn't be too tough on Russia. Thinking his mic was off, he whispered into Medvedev's ear: "This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility."

If truth mattered to the media, every American would be reminded that Obama sent Army meals to Ukraine and Trump has sent anti-tank missiles and other arms to repel the Russians.
If truth mattered to the media, every American would be reminded that Obama watched Syria burn and Russia come to dominate that country, while Trump has bombed Syrian military installations, including one where Russians were killed.
If truth mattered to the media, every American would be reminded that it is Trump who has weakened Russia's ally Iran, while Obama immeasurably strengthened it.
Instead the media scream "treason," "impeachment" and the like 24/7; Hollywood stars curse the president; others curse his daughter or the first lady (one of the most regal in American history) and show President Trump in various death poses. Meanwhile, leftist mobs shout at administration officials and Republican members of Congress while they eat in restaurants, shop in stores and sleep in their homes.
If you vote Democrat this November, you are voting for hysteria, lies, socialism and even the cheapening of the Holocaust.
But more than anything, a vote for Democrats in November is a vote for hysteria -- the greatest and darkest in American history."

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