Will you stop Keith Ellison - one of the most dangerous men in America - from gaining control of the Attorney General's office and its vast law enforcement powers? Why do I say that Keith Ellison is one of the most dangerous men in America? Because Ellison has a long and well-documented history of racism and anti-Semitism, associates with known terrorists and radical Islamic groups dedicated to destroying America, and has sworn to take down our President. Keith Ellison is a man who should be kept far away from power . . . . . . and yet he's running to be our next Attorney General in Minnesota, and there are few things more disastrous than him winning. As Attorney General, Ellison will abuse his power to sue and attack President Trump and subvert the rule of law. Just consider the truth about who Keith Ellison really is: Keith Ellison pals around with radical Islamic groups and defends known terrorists. In 2008, Ellison, a Muslim, went on a pilgrimage to Mecca sponsored by the Muslim American Society (MAS). The MAS is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, a radical Islamic group that for years worked to overthrow the government of Egypt and spread its message of hate and death throughout the world. In Mecca, Ellison met with Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah, an officer of a Muslim Brotherhood group that issued a fatwa urging "jihad" against - that is, the murder of - U.S. troops that were then in Iraq and that supports Palestinian terrorists. Ellison also met with the president of a Saudi Arabia-based bank that funnels millions of dollars to families of Palestinian suicide bombers in Israel. In addition, Ellison has spoken at the convention of the Islamic Society of North America, which is part of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator in a major federal terrorism case. And Ellison is friends with notorious racist and anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan. Ellison helped organize Farrakhan's Million Man March in 1995. It isn't just that Keith Ellison hangs around with radicals and terrorists. Ellison himself is a radical. Ellison has said that the "Republican Party today is the party of racism." Few things are more insulting and untrue. That remark is especially galling because Ellison himself is an unrepentant racist. In college Ellison advocated for a blacks-only country to be carved out of the United States. He also said that whites should pay cash reparations to blacks. And Ellison called the U.S. Constitution the "best evidence of a white racist conspiracy to subjugate other peoples." This is the same U.S. Constitution he would have to defend as Attorney General. But in truth, Ellison isn't interested in defending the U.S. Constitution so much as attacking President Trump. Keith Ellison is running for Attorney General so he can use his position to SUEand THWART President Donald Trump. In his candidacy announcement, Ellison said he's running because "it's a way to push back against some unfair things the Trump administration is doing." If Ellison wins, he will have access to nearly unlimited state taxpayer dollars to fund his legal war against President Trump and his agenda to make America great again. If you listen to Ellison long enough you realize he thinks America has never been great, and that explains why Ellison opposes President Trump across the board. Ellison is prone to doing eye-catching political stunts that reveal his true self. This year he marched in a socialist May Day parade in Minneapolis wearing a shirt that read "Yo no creo en fronteras" in Spanish, which translates to "I do not believe in borders." I believe Ellison doesn't believe in borders. He doesn't think we should put the best interests of American citizens ahead of those of foreigners. Ellison has not only fought for open borders and waves of more immigration, he's against Trump's travel ban of visitors from terrorist states. Ellison would prefer to risk more terrorist attacks in our country over hurting the feeling of foreigners who have no right to come here. But if Ellison seizes the Attorney General's office, you can bet that he's going to sue President Trump to let in more criminals, unvetted refugees, and potential terrorists. That will make all of America less safe. All Ellison has to do to shut down President Trump's agenda for the entire country is to find one liberal activist judge who is sympathetic to Ellison's radical legal activism and who will issue nationwide injunctions. This is the tactic that other leftist attorneys general are already using to stop President Trump's wildly popular agenda. So just imagine if Keith Ellison gets the power he so desperately lusts for. Suddenly . . . BOOM! An Ellison lawsuit as Attorney General ends President Trump's plans to stop terrorists from entering our country . . . BOOM! Ellison stops Trump's bureaucratic reforms that have cut red tape, pushed the unemployment rate down under 4%, and led to rising wages . . . BOOM! Ellison convinces an activist judge that illegal aliens have more rights than Americans like you . . . BOOM! Ellison gets a judge on board with forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions and forcing doctors and nurses to perform them . . . The list of radical policies Ellison can force on the entire country from a perch in the Attorney General's office is as long as my arm. Not only are these leftist policies wrong, they're an attack on democracy and our voice in our government. But Keith Ellison is an unapologetic radical with the zeal of a man possessed. He really means it when he says he wants to transform America. He's for . . . ++ A guaranteed basic income - even if you don't work . . . ++ A "maximum wage" where the state will levy extra taxes on you if you earn "too much" . . . ++ Using taxpayer dollars to fund abortion provider and seller of baby body parts Planned Parenthood . . . ++ Discriminating against Christians and other traditional believers for not supporting the transsexual agenda . . . ++ The total government takeover of healthcare . . . Keith Ellison is so radical he defends the truly indefensible. Recently he stood up for a scheme in Minnesota whereby Somali immigrants were caught defrauding the state through childcare scams to the tune of millions of dollars . . . . . . and then sending that money in suitcases packed with one million dollars overseas where some of it ends up in the hands of terrorists who want to kill us. Keith Ellison can't be trusted to enforce the laws when he spends so much time advocating tearing them down. That's why we must defeat Ellison's bid to become Minnesota's Attorney General. My name is Doug Wardlow and I'm the official Republican nominee running against Keith Ellison. I want the Attorney General's office to enforce the law, not abuse its power to impose far- left policies that Minnesotans and the American people don't want. As a trial and appellate attorney, I've fought and won cases to defend free speech, religious liberty, and conscience rights. And I'll stand up for the common man as I've done during the years I spent defending the rights of private property owners in eminent-domain cases. I've fought for American workers and businesses when I litigated against China's unfair practices that harmed our steel industry. I also served in the Minnesota House of Representatives and led efforts to reduce the size and scope of state government, reform tort law, and eliminate burdensome regulations. I couldn't be more different than Keith Ellison. I believe Minnesotans and all Americans deserve an Attorney General who will uphold the rule of law and not abuse his position of trust to undermine it. I hope you agree, because I need your immediate help. As the #2 at the DNC, Keith Ellison has a lot of powerful and wealthy allies who want to install him in the Attorney General's office so he can lead the "Resistance" to President Trump. While the elites in Washington love that type of no-holds-barred political warfare, the good people of Minnesota do not. And we need to make sure that they know what Keith Ellison really believes. That's why I'm asking for your generous support today. There's no more important Attorney General race in America. Simply put, if we let Keith Ellison seize power, he'll use his position to sabotage President Trump's entire agenda and battle to lay the groundwork for Trump's impeachment. That's not the job of our Attorney General! Please help me fight back against Keith Ellison by supporting my campaign with a donation of $25, $50, $100, $500, or more. There's just too much on the line for us to allow a dangerous man like Keith Ellison to gain control of the enormous power of the Attorney General's office. It would be a disaster for Minnesota and for the entire nation. Thank you for whatever gift you can give today! For the Rule of Law, Doug Wardlow Republican for Attorney General P.S. Keith Ellison doesn't share the American values you and I do. He's in bed with radicals and terrorists, hangs out with racists and anti-Semites, hates President Trump, and wants to use the Attorney General's office to force far-left policies on us. Keith Ellison is a very dangerous man and he must be kept far away from power. Democratic Socialism in One Poster
Posted: 14 Jul 2018 03:13 PM PDT
Posted: 14 Jul 2018 06:38 AM PDT
(Scott Johnson)
Bernie Sanders came to town yesterday to support the candidacy of Minnesota Fifth District Rep. Keith Ellison for state attorney general. Sanders made appearances with Ellison at First Avenue in Minneapolis and at Denfeld High School in Duluth. I cannot imagine a political office for which Ellison is less fitted than the head of any organization devoted to law enforcement. Ellison’s candidacy is a disgrace, as is Sanders’s support of his candidacy.
The Star Tribune’s Jessie Van Berkel covered the Ellison/Sanders rally at First Ave here. The Star Tribune has posted a 50-minute video of the event along with her story. It makes for painful viewing and the loss of more than a few brain cells.
Van Berkel, incidentally, turns to PolitiFact to verify that Sanders is a socialist. Sanders’s self-avowal is apparently insufficient for her.
Seeking to run the top law enforcement office in Minnesota, Ellison should support law enforcement. It’s axiomatic. Of the several disgraceful threads that run through Ellison’s career, however, Ellison’s support for cop killers stands out in this context. Let us take a look back at his career with this narrow focus.
Perhaps the lowest moment in Minneapolis’s history was the September 1992 execution-style murder of police officer Jerry Haaf. Haaf was shot in the back as he took a coffee break at a restaurant in south Minneapolis. The murder was a gang hit performed by four members of the city’s Vice Lords gang. The leader of the Vice Lords was Sharif Willis, a convicted murderer who had been released from prison and who sought respectability as a responsible gang leader from gullible municipal authorities while operating a gang front called United for Peace.
The four Vice Lords members who murdered Haaf met and planned the murder at Willis’s house. Two witnesses at the trial of one of the men convicted of Haaf’s murder implicated Willis in the planning. Willis was never charged; law enforcement authorities said they lacked sufficient evidence to convict him.
Within a month of Haaf’s murder, Ellison appeared with Willis supporting the United for Peace gang front. In October 1992, Ellison helped organize a demonstration against Minneapolis police that included United for Peace. “The main point of our rally is to support United for Peace [in its fight against] the campaign of slander the police federation has been waging,” said Ellison.
Willis was the last speaker at the demonstration. According to a contemporaneous report in the St. Paul Pioneer Press, Willis told the crowd that Minneapolis police were experiencing the same fear from young black men that blacks had felt from police for many years. “If the police have some fear, I understand that fear,” Willis said. “We seem to have an overabundance of bad police. . . . [W]e’re going to get rid of them,” Willis said. “They’ve got to go.” The Pioneer Press account concludes with Ellison’s contribution to the demonstration: “Ellison told the crowd that the police union is systematically frightening whites in order to get more police officers hired. That way, Ellison said, the union can increase its power base.”
Ellison publicly supported the Haaf murder defendants. In February 1993, he spoke at a demonstration for one of them during his trial. Ellison led the crowd assembled at the courthouse in a chant that was ominous in the context of Haaf’s cold-blooded murder: “We don’t get no justice, you don’t get no peace.” Ellison’s working relationship with Sharif Willis came to an end in February 1995, when Willis was convicted in federal court on several counts of drug and gun-related crimes and sent back to prison for 20 years.
Ellison’s support for the murderers of Officer Haaf was not a one-off. In February 2000 Ellison spoke at a fundraiser sponsored by the Minnesota chapter of the old National Lawyers Guild, on whose steering committee he had served. The chapter was raising funds for former Symbionese Liberation Army member Kathleen Soliah after her apprehension in St. Paul (under the name “Sara Jane Olson”). The National Lawyers Guild is of course the old Communist front group, though it has survived the fall of the Soviet Union.
At the time of the fundraiser, Soliah/Olson had been a fugitive from justice for 25 years, avoiding prosecution on charges related to the attempted pipe bombing of Los Angeles police officers in 1975. Soliah/Olson had been apprehended on the Los Angeles charges at her home in the Highland Park neighborhood of St. Paul in 1999.
In October 2001, Soliah/Olson pleaded guilty to two counts of possessing explosives with intent to commit murder in the long-pending Los Angeles case. In January 2002 Soliah/Olson and four other SLA members were charged with the murder of Myrna Opsahl in Sacaramento in the Crocker National Bank case. Soliah/Olson’s participation in the SLA’s Crocker National Bank robbery/murder had long been a matter of public record. Soliah/Olson pleaded guilty to the murder charge in November 2002.
Following her apprehension in St. Paul, Soliah/Olson became a cause of the hardcore radical left. Ellison’s support for Soliah/Olson was notable, as was his demagogic denunciation of law enforcement authorities seeking justice for vicious crimes. Yet Minnesota media have remained uninterested in any serious exploration of Ellison’s indefensible public associations and statements.
In 2006 Greg Lang dug up Ellison’s National Lawyers Guild speech and posted it on his site devoted to all matters SLA. Greg emailed us the text of Ellison’s speech at the time he posted it on his now dead site. In turn I posted it on Power Line for archival purposes as part 8 of my seemingly endless 2006 series “Who is Keith Ellison?”
Referring to the days Soliah/Olson had spent in the SLA under the leadership of Donald DeFreeze (“Field Marshal Cinque”), Ellison hailed Soliah/Olson as a “black gang member” and thus a victim of government persecution. He described her as one of those who had been “fighting for freedom in the ’60s and ’70s” and called for her release. Ellison’s call went unheeded as Soliah/Olson subsequently pleaded guilty to charges in Los Angeles and to an additional murder charge in Sacramento; she served hard time in California on the charges.
In his National Lawyers Guild speech Ellison also spoke favorably of cop killers Mumia Abu-Jamal and “Assata Shakur” (Joanne Chesimard). Chesimard is wanted for the cold-blooded murder of New Jersey state trooper Werner Foerster in 1973. Chesimard was convicted of the murder but escaped from prison in 1979; she has been on the lam in Cuba since 1984. Bryan Burrough’s Days of Rage has a riveting account of Chesimard’s works and days as a terrorist. Chesimard is the first woman to be named to the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists List. The FBI has offered a reward of up to $1,000,000 for her capture. The FBI video on Chesimard is below.
Ellison prayed for Chesimard in his National Lawyers Guild speech: “I am praying that Castro does not get to the point where he has to really barter with these guys over here because they’re going to get Assata Shakur, they’re going to get a whole lot of other people,” he told the crowd. “I hope the Cuba[n] people can stick to it, because the freedom of some good decent people depends on it.”
Then Star Tribune metro columnist Katherine Kersten devoted a column to this speech in 2006. When Kathy sought out Ellison, he declined to comment on his current view of Soliah/Olson or Chesimard/Shakur. He’s just that kind of guy.
Ellison still doesn’t want to talk about it. But can we at least get the facts out now that he aspires to the office of Minnesota attorney general?
NOTE: This post draws on my 2006 Weekly Standard article “Louis Farrakhan’s first congressman.”
Moses said to the people in his final charge "I put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life...Be strong and resolute..for the Lord will not forsake you" Deut. 30 and 31. Former US National Debate Champion and Ordained Rabbi tackles issues of Public Policy, Israel, Islamic Terrorism, Antisemitism, Jewish Wisdom and the Chicago Bears
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