
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Orthodox "pro" Israel groups useful idiots for Senator Joe Donnelly. Gave $ to the iran deal supporter.

There is a Chicago based group of Orthodox businessmen who meet to donate money to pro-Israel candidates. EXCEPT they just chose to give money to Joe Donnelly, Dem. Senator from Indiana who is running against 100% pro Israel candidate, Republican Mike Braun. Braun explicitly supports Trump's very pro israel policy in general and specifically applauds Trump nixing the horrible iran deal. Donnelly was FOR the catastrophic, genocidal Obama iran deal which Trump nixed. That act, never submitted to congress or signed by iran, was the most HORRENDOUS anti-Israel action by the US ever. No one who supported should ever be supported by anyone claiming to be pro israel. Bibi came to Congress to plead with them to block it. Al of our Mid East allies begged the US not to do the Iran deal. Virtually every Dem in Congress supported that deal.

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