
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Trump’s historically great presidency, following Obama’s worst

Trump’s historically great presidency, following Obama’s worst.

Domestic policy:
4.5% growth vs. Obama’s worst ever growth over 8 years
50 year LOW unemployment. Record low black and Hispanic unemployment.
Food stamps down by millions after Obama’s record poverty.
Cut world’s highest corporate tax rate to 21%
Fastest deregulating Obama’s record business killing regulations
Got rid of horrible Obamacare mandate
Race riots disappear after Obama era had record poor race relations
2 great Supreme Court appointments and many lower level judges
Fixing VA after Obama did nothing
Limiting illegal immigration after Obama opened borders
Gets IRS to apologize for obama having them harass conservatives and pro israel
Focusing attention on Democrats corrupting FBI and Justice dept.
Obamanomics DOUBLED our accumulated debt 
Trumponomics gave us so far 1. RECORD 155,576,000 EMPLOYED, 2. record low black unemployment, 3. record low Hispanic unemployment, 4. growth estimated at 4.5% in 2nd quarter, 5. record deregulation, 6. millions less of Food stamps. Leftist comedienne Bill Maher wishes for recession so we can all suffer and then he thinks, Trump polls numbers will go down.
Isis gone after Obama did nothing over 8 years
Nixed Obama’s catastrophic Iran deal
Biggest military build-up ever after Obama’s gutted military
Obama knew and did nothing about Russian interference in election. Trump sanctioned more than 100+ Russian targets. He closed two diplomatic annexes in the consulate. He enforced Magnitsky Act sanctions. This administration has been tough on Russia. Gave weapons to their adversaries. NATO: achieved increases in their own defense spending after Trump prompts. Trump provides weapons to Ukraine after Obama refused after Russia invades
Obama betrayed Poland by appeasing Russia and pulling out our weapons
Trump bombed Syria after Obama did nothing when his RED LINE crossed
Obama did nothing to limit N Korea nuk development
Obama did nothing about Chinese militarizing islands in South china sea
Obama ISRAEL a. committed most "anti-Semitic act in the world in 2016" according to Simon Wiesenthal nazi hunting Organization. b. Jerusalem Embassy moved and Netanyahu embraced c. after Obama called him “chickensh..” and d. used our tax dollars to try and defeat him in election, demanded withdrawal to 47 lines. e. Obama demanded israel withdraw to auswhich lines of 47. f. trump State dept no longer calls judea Samaria "occupied". g. Says only 20,000 palestinian refugee, not millions

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