
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Democrats get worse and worse. RACIST, Anti-Semites, Fascist, violent thugs, adopting Nazi playbook

Democrats: RACIST, Anti-Semites, Fascist, violent thugs, adopting Nazi playbook
2.    Violent rhetoric and violent actions violence and intimidation of trump supporters, openly talk about assassinating the president, shooting GOP Congressman. 
3.    An army of violent thugs.
ANTIFA DEMOCRAT ARMY should worry every American. They are not "Thugs" but well trained soldiers, 30.000-40.000 of them, all well indoctrinated, trained in demonstration wars, intimidation and destruction of property such as police cars. They learn how to handle police and have a legal brunch to protect them if arrested. Many are paid possibly indirectly by George Soros. Yesterday demonstration called for "NO WALLA, NO BORDERS, NO USA" which is the mantra of Soros a Nazi collaborator and felon. 
4.    Conspiring with social media to censor conservatives
6.    More and more anti-Semitic   
a.. Obama “most anti-Semitic act in the world in 2016”.
b. Openly embrace Farakhan, Linda Sarsour, Israel haters.
              7. Black pastor says Trump best POTUS ever for blacks.   why? BECAUSE  Democrats have always been RACISTS and still are. Democrats prefer that Blacks suffer. That way they can con them into voting for them.
a. Virtually all slaves were owned by Dems.
c. Segregationists, all Dems.
d.Civil War to protect slavery was Democratic southerners.
e. LBJ passed the civil rights act, as he said to "con them into voting Democratic". It passed only with Republican support. All Dems opposed giving Blacks rights. He passed we;fare program which has destroyed the black family, led to an explosion of teenage unwed mother births, and 6 generations of welfare dependency. LBJ's "War on Poverty" incentivized men to desert their families which led to an explosion of unwed teenage mothers, massive rise in gangs, 6 generations of welfare dependency, drug addiction and disaster.

f. The justices in the notorious Supreme Court, like Dredd Scot cases enshrining bigotry, were all Democrats.
g. The new plantations are the ghettos, where blacks suffer, are controlled by mayor Dems, Today, there blacks suffer from segregation, teenage birth moms, welfare dependency, an explosion of black on black murders etc.
h. Bill Clinton changed criminal laws which led to mass incarceration of black youth. "The policy mistakes that ... the Clintons made got us, in large degree, to the situation that we are in today with mass incarceration."
— Julius Jones on Monday, August 17th, 2015 in an interview on MSNBC

i. Blacks suffered in every category under Obama.

J. He massively increased racial tension and encouraged race riots. .   
Race riot baiter Al sharpton was the most frequent visitor to the White House. George Soros, Obama and democratic key financier, finaced the race riots.

K. GENOCIDE: PLANNED PARENTHHOD. It was started by Margaret Sanger,
whose goal was EXTIRMINATION of black babies. Today, because of Democratic support for this, over 33% of US abortions come from blacks, while they constitute 13% of the population. Hillary praised and honored Margaret Sanger for founding Planned Parenthood.
L. TRUMP BEST PRESIDENT EVER FOR BLACKS since LINCOLN. In just 1 ½ years, Trump's economic program, the OPPOSITE of Obama, has led to record low Black unemployment Trump: record low Hispanic unemployment, a 400% increase in small businesses created by black Americans this year and a drop of millions off food stamps. Therefore, now, in an Aug. 2018 poll, 36% Backs support Trump because more and more, they realize the racists democrats have only hurt them.. Black pastor says Trump best POTUS ever for blacks.

7. MEDIA is propaganda arm of the Democrats today. There is proven collusion between media and Hillary campaign.+96% political donations went  to Hillary. + 91% media reporting on trump negative. +Many top Obama officials are maried to top media. The political press has decided that its job isn’t merely to inform the public but also to take down the current White House, even if such efforts cost journalism what little credibility it has left
8. CORRUPTION: Obama used the IRS used to harass political opponents, top echelons of FBI targeted Trump, Justice Dept head Loretta Lynch, supervising FBI Comey, met with Bil Clinton’s days before Comey released findings on Hillary, FBI chief Comey castigated as unethicaI Investigator General, fights VOTER ID so can have illegals vote, Maxine Waters named 2x most corrupt member of Congress, Sen. Feinstein has Chinese spy as driver for 20 years-her husband made $50 million off Chinese.

9. Disgusting labels: They have called EVERY REPUBLICAN POTUS and candidate for POTUS the same names: racists/Nazis/fascists/women haters etc. .
10. The democrats more and more adopt early NAZI playbook.

Racist/anti semitic/control media/want gun confiscation/control state organs like FBI and Justice/

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