
Monday, September 3, 2018

Bernie's socialist medicine means your mother dies.

Bernie's socialist medicine means your mother dies. Obama says "take an aspirin"
Obama told this lady whose mother needs a pacemaker just to take an aspirin.
As our Dems move sharply left towards socialism, the purest socialist nation, Venzuala has gone from wealthy when capitalist, to eating-their-pets starvation under socialism. Sweden, long upheld as a model by Bernie, is swinging sharply to the right. Bernie wants socialized medicine, which will cost $40 trillion and massively expand the government bureaucrats control over our medical care. Do you want some 22 year old English major, working for the government, deciding whether you are entitled to particular care the doctor orders? Here is Sweden’s experience. “Swedes are frustrated over their universal healthcare, one of the main pillars of their cherished welfare state, with long waiting queues due to a shortage of nurses and available doctors in some areas.

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