
Thursday, September 6, 2018

Dems moving to radical anti-Israel position. Aipac gutless in its wake.

Dems moving to radical anti-Israel position. Aipac gutless in its wake. Caroline Glick
"In the US, the opposite phenomenon is occurring. Radical, anti-Israel and, at least in some cases, virulently anti-Jewish forces are rising in the Democratic Party.

In response to the victories of anti-Israel politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar in the recent Democratic Congressional primaries – and the rising power of antisemitic activists led by Linda Sarsour and Louis Farrakhan in the party – moderate, traditionally pro-Israel Democratic lawmakers are cowering in fear. Rather than challenge their new colleagues’ racism, Jewish Democrats along with pro-Israel Democratic lawmakers are denying what is happening while watering down their own support for Israel in the hopes of appeasing the anti-Israel forces rising in their party.

AIPAC, which is supposedly the most powerful pro-Israel lobby in the US, has likewise opted to ignore this turn of events rather than fight it.

Rather than lobbying previously strong Democratic supporters of Israel to stick to their guns, AIPAC is facilitating their retreat.

AIPAC does this in order to maintain the increasingly fictional narrative that Israel enjoys bipartisan support in Congress. Rather than shepherd significant pro-Israel legislation through Congress, it is becoming AIPAC’s practice to gut Republican pro-Israel bills in order to win Democratic support. That is, AIPAC now appeals to the lowest common denominator of Congressional support for Israel.

For their part, rather than stand up to AIPAC and refuse to render their own legislative initiatives meaningless in the name of empty bipartisanship, key Republican lawmakers are going along with this exercise in deceit."

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