
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Top 10 anti-Semitism of 2018 from Wiesenthal Institute

Review the items below. Things they MISSED: anti Semitism of new Democrats in Congress,
Erdegon of Turkey, and others.  see

 11 AMERICAN JEWS MURDERED IN THEIR PITTSBURGH SYNAGOGUE ON A SABBATH  “It’s the filthy evil Jews... Hitler was right...but we don’t listen” “Isis executions are form of Jewish Ritual Murder” - Robert Bowers, Pittsburgh synagogue shooter The deadliest anti-Semitic attack ever committed in the United States took place on October 27 when 46-year old white supremacist, Robert Bowers entered the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh and shot to death eleven worshippers and wounded six others before police arrested him.

Only FBI intervention thwarted another deadly attack on a Toledo-area synagogue in early December. This attack was planned by Damon Joseph, a fanatical convert to Islam and ISIS adherent. Joseph told FBI undercover agents he was inspired by the attack in Pittsburgh: “I admire what the guy did with the shooting... I can see myself carrying out this type of operation, ‘inshallah. “(God willing in Arabic)

2. FARRAKHAN DEPLOYING NAZI PROPAGANDA, LOUIS FARRAKHAN DEHUMANIZES 2 During an October speech in Detroit, Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan, said this about Jews: “I’m not mad at you because you’re so stupid... So when they talk about Farrakhan, and call me a hater, you do what they do: call me an anti-Semite.... Stop it, I’m an anti-termite.” Farrakhan’s slanderous attack came during a 23rd anniversary event for the 1995 “Million Man March.” Throughout the 1930s, before the Holocaust, Nazi propaganda serially demonized Jews as vermin and rats, seeking to dehumanize German Jews in the eyes of their neighbors.

3. US CAMPUSES SWASTIKAS DESECRATE U.S. CAMPUSES JEREMY CORBYN A CORBYN-LED UK GOVERNMENT: “AN EXISTENTIAL THREAT” TO JEWS 3 4 Alarming anti-Semitic attacks on American campuses followed the synagogue massacre in Pittsburgh, PA. Clinical psychologist Elizabeth Midlarsky found anti-Semitic graffiti spray-painted in her office (pictured) at Columbia University’s Teachers College in New York City. At Duke University a swastika was daubed over a mural commemorating the victims of the Pittsburgh shooting. Three swastikas were discovered at Cornell University, and a Jewish fraternity at Penn State had its menorah vandalized and stolen. Dozens of similar episodes took place at schools across the nation. Flyers blaming Jews for sexual assault allegations against U.S. Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh were posted at UC Berkeley and UC Davis in the West and at Vassar and Marist colleges in the East. Members of extremist groups, like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), created hostile environments for Jewish students by posting quotes on social media like, “Let’s stuff some Jews in the ovens” and “every time I read about Hitler, I fall in love again.”

4. JEREMY CORBYN A CORBYN-LED UK GOVERNMENT: “AN EXISTENTIAL THREAT” TO JEWS  “You have proved you don’t want people like me in the party... It is not what you say but what you do, and by your actions you have shown you are an anti-Semitic racist.” - Jewish MP Dame Margaret Hodge to Jeremy Corbyn, July 2018. Allegations of anti-Semitism on the part of key members and officials of the UK’s Labour Party officials have piled up in recent years, injecting the world’s oldest hatred into the mainstream of society. Party leader Jeremy Corbyn stands directly responsible. In July, Britain’s three leading Jewish newspapers published a joint article warning of “the existential threat to Jewish life in this country that would be posed by a Corbyn government.”

5. UNRWA: ENABLERS OF HAMAS MASSIVE CHILD ABUSE WITH A ‘PEACE’ CURRICULUM THAT ERASES ISRAEL AND VENERATES MASS MURDERER OF JEWS 5 “The administration has carefully reviewed the issue and determined that the United States will not make additional contributions to UNRWA” - U.S. State Department, August 31, 2018

6. AIRBNB AIRBNB BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER UNLESS YOU ARE JEW LIVING IN GUSH ETZION 6 Airbnb is a trailblazing company whose self-described mission is “To bring people together in as many places as possible around the world.” It matches travelers with local home owners willing to rent to tourists. In October, Airbnb suddenly announced it would delist 200 rentals in Israeli communities on the West Bank. Airbnb intoned that Israeli settlements ... “are at the core of the dispute between the Israelis and Palestinians.” This at the very time when Israel is defending its international borders against terrorist attacks from Hamas in the South and Hezbollah in the North - areas where there are no “settlements”. There is no indication that Airbnb, who claim to oppose BDS, is extending its interventionist diplomacy to Cyprus or the scores of other disputed territories around the world.

7. GERMAN BANK BDS GERMAN BANK STANDS WITH ANTI-SEMITIC BDSERS 7 When it comes to issues related to antiSemitism and threats to the Jewish state, Germany receives a great deal of attention. In recent years, to their credit, German cities, companies and financial institutions have recognized the anti-Semitic underpinnings of BDS and shunned interaction with a global campaign seeking the Jewish state’s demise. In 2018, however, one important financial institution, the Bank for Social Economy, insists on doing business with the radical “Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East,” which strongly endorses boycotting the Jewish state.

8. BISHOP’S LIBEL EPISCOPAL BISHOP FABRICATES ISRAELI ATROCITIES 8 During a speech in Massachusetts last July, Bishop Gayle Harris reported that she witnessed an Israeli soldier arrest a three-year-old Arab child on the Jerusalem Temple Mount and gun down a 15-year old Palestinian teen in the back. After the Simon Wiesenthal Center exposed the claims as fabrications, Harris, the #2 Episcopal clergy in the state, backtracked, saying that she had only heard the stories from a third party (a Palestinian). “The fault is solely mine,” Harris said. “I was ill-advised to repeat the stories without verification.”

9. KAROLINSKA’S SHAME RENOWNED SWEDISH HOSPITAL FAILS TO TREAT CANCER OF ANTI-SEMITISM 9 Every year, Sweden’s Karolinska Institute announces the Nobel Prize for Medicine. But now, a dark cloud hangs over its Karolinska University Hospital for failing to deal quickly and forthrightly when history’s oldest hate manifested in its top ranks.

10. ROGER WATERS LEADING BDS CHEERLEADER - AN ANTI-SEMITE WHO WANTS TO TELL JEWS WHAT ANTISEMITISM IS 10 There are few performers whose anti-Israel vitriol can match that of Roger Waters. Despite his protests to the contrary, the co-founder of the iconic band Pink Floyd has, for years, crossed the line between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism.

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