
Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Trump chooses Muslim brotherhood terrorist Erdegon over his advisors

1. Erdogan of Turkey : ‘Jews in Israel beat women and children’

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lashed out at Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday, calling him an "anti-Semitic dictator"

2.  The President made the decision to pull out of Syria last Fri Dec 14 after speaking with Turkish President Erdogan  All of Trump's advisors OPPOSED the move. 

Erdogan is not a benevolent sultan of old, he's a monster that must be stopped,7340,L-5432450,00.html
Opinion: The world has a strange double standard on the Muslim world - it's ok when they massacre their own, and the Turkish president is the master of it

Once upon a time, a Turkish sultan in situ was good news, such as those, for example, during the expulsion from Spain in 1492. The Sultan Bayezid II, who ruled 1481-1512, sent ships to Grenada to save the dispossessed Jews and invite them to live across the Ottoman Empire. Your loss, Bayezid tolds those who signed the deportation order, is our gain. And gain they did. The Jews were not only loyal, but also helped to develop the economy and spiritual life in every place they reached across the empire.

Life was not always good for the Jews under the Ottomans and/or the Turks. But what is very clear is that the current Sultan, Recep
Tayyip Erdoğan, is an impudent anti-Semite. His repeated statements make it clear that his role model is former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and not sultans of yore who treated the Jews fairly. This attitude of Erdogan's did not start today, or even with the 2010 Mavi Marmara crisis, when IDF troops and Turkish activists clashed on board a Gaza-bound boat with deadly results. When he was younger, Erdogan wrote a play called "Mas-Kom-Ya", which depicts a conspiracy by the Freemasons, the Communists, and the Jews.

Since 1984, Turkey has destroyed 3,000 Kurdish villages, implemented mass transfer of the local population and caused a "Kurdish Nakba" of two million people who became refugees in their own country. During this orchestrated war on the Kurdish people, there have been massacres during which 30,000 people were killed. Even if Israel made every effort, it could not scratch the surface of the horrors perpetrated by the Turks, not those of recent decades and certainly not those of the last century, including the genocide committed by the Turks against the Armenians, and the atrocities committed in the framework of the expulsion of Christians at the end of the First World War.

Kurds protesting against Erdogan in Germany (Photo: AP))
Kurds protesting against Erdogan in Germany (Photo: AP))

Erdogan himself is responsible for several massacres committed in recent years. For example, his soldiers raided the city of Cizre, in the northeast of the country, in February 2016. Hundreds of civilians hid in three basements, but it did not help them as Erdogan's soldiers massacred them mercilessly. A total of 178 people were killed, most of them innocent civilians.

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