
Saturday, January 26, 2019

Socialism does not equal social justice. it equals poverty and despair.

Polls out indicate many democrats are favorable to socialism. They do not know what it is. They think it has to do with "social juice" (which often turns out to be social injustice. Socialism is when the government controls the production and distribution of income. Bureaucrats assume they know better how you should make money and spend it then they do. Mayor of New York de blasio said recently "the money is in the wrong hands. " He meant the people who earn it should be allowed to hold on to it. It fails every time. Alexandria ocasio-Cortez was recently asked if she modeled her socialism on China, Venezuela and the USSR. She laughed it off and said no the UK, and scandinavian countries.

1. China and Russia have moved way from government control over the economy and their economies have improved. Venezuela went the other way and their people are starving. Scandinavian countries realize they cannot support their welfare state and are opening up their economy. UK, which socialized medicine, make people wait many months for simple operations and ration care.
2. Capitalism is the only system that has lifted billions out of poverty. Marx totally go human nature wrong. People working for their own benefit and figuring out how to spend their own money always does way more to help others than removed bureaucrats deciding for us.
3. It is IMMORAL to take someone else's money because you think you now better how to spend it.
We have decided together government can take some of hat we earn as taxes, but socialsm wants t take it all and redistribute it.
4. Socialism leads to tyranny. see article below

Socialism assumes they are a pie that cannot grow and the question is how t divide up the pieces.
Capitalism has proven the pie can grow and grow and everyone gets bigger pieces than they'd otherwise have.

We are told, often bitterly and with a palpable hint of exasperation, that today’s “Democratic Socialists” are gentler than their name might lead you to believe. They are, they insist, cast more in the mold of Europe’s social democrats than the apparatchiks in tunic suits who haunt conservative’s imaginations. Perhaps the leftmost reaches of the Democratic Party wouldn’t have to keep drawing this distinction if it was evident in anything other than rhetoric. When forced to choose between “democratic” and “socialist,” they opt decisively for the latter.
After years of privation, hardship, and popular—often violent—struggle against an illegitimate regime, the situation in Venezuela is coming to a head. A successor has emerged, making the powerful and corrupted military the ultimate arbiter of events, which are still very much in the balance. In a coordinated effort with most of the Western hemisphere, the United States endorsed the legitimately elected National Assembly leader Juan Guaidó’s interim claim to the presidency over the dubious one clung to by socialist despot Nicolas Maduro. To hear the “Democratic Socialists” tell it, the United States has orchestrated a “coup.”

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