
Friday, January 11, 2019

Why Jews should be Republicans

Why Jews should be Republicans
1.       Democrats embrace anti-Semites and Israel haters (Farakhan, linda sarsour, Congreswoman Tlaib) while Republicans disavow them.
2.       Democratic policies HURT poor. Obama led to record poverty and food stamps. Trump has record low Back, Hispanic and Asian unemployment, and massive food stamp drop.
3.       Democrat want more and more government, Republicans less. Judaism is afraid of big government. Mishnah: “ Shemayah said: Love work; hate domination; and seek not undue intimacy with the government.
4.       Democrats encourage dependence on government handouts. Judaism eschews it. Maimonides laws of the poor: “better take any job than be dependent on the public dole.”
5.       Today’s Democrats embrace identity politics: color of skin, gender etc. Judaism values character, as Martin Luther King did, not gender or skin color. Value f “Adam yachid”. King : “s I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
6.       Democratic national Convention booed Jerusalem. Trump names it capital of Israel.
7.       Democrats became largest sponsor of state sponsored terrorism when it gave terrorist nation Iran $150 billion.
8.       Democrats embrace NO limits on abortion. That is contrary to Jewish law.
9.       Democrats always supported racism: slave holders, KKK members, opposed civil rights legislation, now run our  inner cities that destroyed Black families.
10.   Jews hav always thrived, and the nations with them, with limited regulations and free market. Obama had record regulations, trump eliminated faster than any president ever.

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