
Friday, March 8, 2019

Jews who care about Israel do not have a home in the Democratic party anymore.

Jews who care about Israel do not have a home in the Democratic party anymore.

Richard Baehr

"It should be obvious after the craven collapse by the Democratic leadership in the House to their angry intersectional members, that Jews do not rate among the hierarchy of concerns for the party anymore. Three Presidential candidates- Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Kamala Harris, all seemed more concerned about the safety of Congresswoman Omar, and her victimhood, than the fact that she is repeating at an increased pace pretty much every anti-Semitic trope that has circulated for several centuries. All three candidates seemed to think that by calling out blatantly vicious anti-Semitic comments, one was chilling the debate over Israel and the Palestinians. Has anyone noticed an absence of criticism of Israel lately? Half the Democrats in the House are members of the Progressive Caucus, the Congressional Black Caucus or both. These members are the ones who raised hell and pushed back against either naming Omar in a resolution condemning anti-semitism, , or not naming her, but criticizing anti-Semitism alone, without also adding a whole list of other things to condemn- white supremacy, islamophobia, racism. Of course, the only bigoted statements by a Congressperson that had gone unpunished have been Omar’s about Jews.. The Republicans rebuked Steve King and removed him from three committees. And of course, when the Black Lives Matter movement gained national attention, the proponents argued against anyone saying all lives matter, since it cheapened the pain of blacks. I guess cheapening the pain of Jews with mush is OK though. Nancy Pelosi appointed Omar to the Foreign Affairs Committee, presumably on the strength of her 2012 comments the Israel had hypnotized America, and only Allah could solve the problem. What exactly was Pelosi thinking? This is not the first statement Omar has made since joining the House that qualifies her as an anti-Semite in the neighborhood of David Duke (a big fan of course). After prior such Jew hating remarks, she supposedly had some counseling and education with sympathetic Jewish members in the House and her district, and would now be able to offer her views on israel but without the stench of anti-Semitism. That clearly was impossible, for in her case, the provocation was deliberate. She knew exactly what she was doing, and now that the growing and pretty much dominant left wing of her Party sets the rules, she knew that if there would be a confrontation over her comments, ,that she would be protected. From now on it is open season, evidenced by her retweet of a nasty comment about Meghan McCain who attacked Omar’s comments and criticized the weak response by the Democrats in the House.
There are many fine articles on the topic. No, this is not a problem of a few rogue new members of Congress. The Israel hating left (there is no non-Israel hating left at this point), wants a fight about Israel and will work to insure that their agenda is debated. In particular, Bernie Sanders wants to differentiate himself from the wannabe socialists in training- Harris, Booker, Warren, and others to come by making it difficult for opponents to pass the litmus test of complete abandonment of America’s historically strong relationship with Israel.
David Harsanyi:

John Sexton:

Bret Stephens:

Jonathan Tobin:

Omar back on the attack:

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