
Monday, April 15, 2019

The folly of the Dem's Green Deal.

The folly of the Dem's Green Deal.
-About a comprehensive report on the costs and benefits of adopting a 50% “green” power mandate in Minnesota, in place of the current 25% mandate. The costs would be staggering–$80 billion, a 40% increase in the price of electricity, $1,200 additional cost every year for each Minnesota family, a $3 billion annual decline in the state’s GDP, and destruction of 21,000 permanent jobs.
The benefits? Immeasurably small. Literally. If you accept the Obama administration’s global warming numbers, the reduced CO2 emissions resulting from the 50% mandate would, by 2100, reduce average global temperature by 0.0006 degree–an amount too small to be measured by even the most sophisticated equipment.

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