
Monday, April 15, 2019

The Israel hater Bernie was on Fox tonight. I give him credit for appearing. BUT: 1

The Israel hater Bernie was on Fox tonight. I give him credit for appearing. BUT:
1. The Fox crew did a terrible job confronting his nonsense. Backed off tough questions and let him pontificate and not answer.
2. They allowed a lady in the audience to provide a PHONY definition of socialism, that had nothing to do with socialism. Socialism is an economic system where the government controls the means of production and distribution of income. That what needs to be pointed out. That never works well.
3. No one asked “when socialism has actually been tried in the 20th century, in: Russia, China, N Korea, Cuba, Nicaragua, Cambodia etc it led to the murder of tens of millions of it’s own citizens and the incarceration of millions as political prisoners. He pretends Venezuela is not a great example of how socialism destroys a country, and makes everyone starve. Instead he pretends the Scandinavian countries are socialist. They say they are capitalist and they are CUTTING taxes now because they see the failure of their overextended government programs.
4. He pretends that single payer health care will give us all better care, not worse care as it has in every country where socialized medicine is tried. He says medicare for all. It actually will be more like VA care for all. When rich people get sick in England or Canada, they come to the US for treatment.
5. His main lie is that the trump economy only works for the rich, like him. Sorry. Obama gave us the worst ever economic growth over 8 years. Trump, by doing the opposite, has brought us record low unemployment and rising wages for working and middle class.
Bernie’s notion is the whole economic pie is x big, cannot get bigger and we have to rearrange the pie piece sizes, taking some pie from some and giving it to others. Capitalism has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty by showing the pie can grow so everyone’s pie slice can get bigger. Bernie doesn’t understand that if you remove the incentive to get a bigger piece, everyone suffers.
1. The Fox crew did a terrible job confronting his nonsense. Backed off tough questions and let him pontificate and not answer.
2. They allowed a lady in the audience to provide a PHONY definition of socialism, that had nothing to do with socialism. Socialism is an economic system where the government controls the means of production and distribution of income. That what needs to be pointed out. That never works well.
3. No one asked “when socialism has actually been tried in the 20th century, in: Russia, China, N Korea, Cuba, Nicaragua, Cambodia etc it led to the murder of tens of millions of it’s own citizens and the incarceration of millions as political prisoners. He pretends Venezuela is not a great example of how socialism destroys a country, and makes everyone starve. Instead he pretends the Scandinavian countries are socialist. They say they are capitalist and they are CUTTING taxes now because they see the failure of their overextended government programs.
4. He pretends that single payer health care will give us all better care, not worse care as it has in every country where socialized medicine is tried. He says medicare for all. It actually will be more like VA care for all. When rich people get sick in England or Canada, they come to the US for treatment.
5. His main lie is that the trump economy only works for the rich, like him. Sorry. Obama gave us the worst ever economic growth over 8 years. Trump, by doing the opposite, has brought us record low unemployment and rising wages for working and middle class.
Bernie’s notion is the whole economic pie is x big, cannot get bigger and we have to rearrange the pie piece sizes, taking some pie from some and giving it to others. Capitalism has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty by showing the pie can grow so everyone’s pie slice can get bigger. Bernie doesn’t understand that if you remove the incentive to get a bigger piece, everyone suffers.

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