
Sunday, September 15, 2019

Climate Change scam

Climate Change scam
1. While Hollywood hypocrites and Al Gore Criss cross the world in gas guzzling private plans decrying climate change:
2. The supposed 97% consensus among scientists is a lie. 31,000 scientists say "no convincing evidence".
3. The earth is cooling not warming.
4. The scammers make up the evidence and lie about it.
5. AoC’s disgraced resigned manager admitted her $100 trillion dollar green deal was not about climate change, but a scam to take over the economy. The Green deal will destroy the economy. How can America pull off this ambitious agenda without breaking the federal budget and fundamentally changing the way we live? If these proposals were implemented, how much would they actually reduce global warming? Most estimates show, unfortunately, that they would have little impact, far less than one degree on the thermometer over several decades.
6.How can this global problem be solved if China and India continue to fill the air with soot? (assuming that impacts temps, which it may or may not)
7. Non fossil fuel alternatives produce little energy, are expensive and very difficult to recycle
8. CNN’s 7 hour show never bothered to ask three crucial questions. Second, if these proposals were implemented, how much would they actually reduce global warming? Most estimates show, unfortunately, that they would have little impact, far less than one degree on the thermometer over several decades. Third, how can this global problem be solved if China and India continue to fill the air with soot?

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