
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Understanding why Jewish Millenial's oppose Israel. They want to be accepted by the hard left.

 AMDJ’s have never suffered for being Jews.  Being Jewish has never made them an “other.” They have never experienced anti-Semitism directly or had to take up arms to defend their country like their Jewish peers in Israel. Thus, in living their incredibly privileged lives, AMDJ’s do not see themselves as being part of a people that have been persecuted throughout history. Rather, they view themselves as part of “white America”—a label that is anathema to their progressive bona fides.
With the current zeitgeist of progressive politics—particularly with the concepts of intersectionality and identity politics—AMDJ’s have fully embraced the notion that they must forsake Israel to be a part of progressive coalitions. They have fully bought into the stereotypes pedaled by the progressive movement that American Jews are part of the “system of white oppression” prevalent throughout the US. Because AMDJ’s view themselves as “white” due to the majority of them sharing Ashkenazi 

nial Diaspora Jews

This August, I traveled to Israel as one of 40 Israel Law and Policy (“I-LAP”) delegates. The I-LAP tour was hosted by Our Soldiers Speak (“OSS”)—a non-profit organization focused on elevating the discourse surrounding Israel. In addition to international trips like the one I was participating in, OSS facilitates high-level, pro-Israel, speaking events at elite universities throughout the Western world.
As one of the I-LAP delegates, I joined an international delegation hailing from 13 different countries. Every delegate brought with them a unique perspective regarding Israel. In conversations with my fellow delegates, it was refreshing to engage in constructive debates regarding Israel rather than the ill-informed and pernicious slander that had permeated the discourse surrounding Israel during my time in law school.
 AMDJ’s have never suffered for being Jews.  Being Jewish has never made them an “other.” They have never experienced anti-Semitism directly or had to take up arms to defend their country like their Jewish peers in Israel. Thus, in living their incredibly privileged lives, AMDJ’s do not see themselves as being part of a people that have been persecuted throughout history. Rather, they view themselves as part of “white America”—a label that is anathema to their progressive bona fides.
With the current zeitgeist of progressive politics—particularly with the concepts of intersectionality and identity politics—AMDJ’s have fully embraced the notion that they must forsake Israel to be a part of progressive coalitions. They have fully bought into the stereotypes pedaled by the progressive movement that American Jews are part of the “system of white oppression” prevalent throughout the US. Because AMDJ’s view themselves as “white” due to the majority of them sharing Ashkenazi heritage and being financially well-off, they assume that all Jews must be the same as them. Thus, their thinking goes, “Israel, filled with Jews, must be a white ethno-state oppressing indigenous, brown, people.” 
No matter the extent of their ignorance, their manipulation of facts, or their complete obliviousness to the reality on the ground in Israel, such canards have permeated their collective mindset. In order to be a part of progressive coalitions, AMDJ’s see no issue in forsaking Israel. Rather, support for Israel is a liability in them being able to live their privileged lives. "

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