
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Why the most important issue in the world for the next 14 months is the reelection of Trump.

Why the most important issue in the world for the next 14 months is the reelection of Trump.
What horrors began under Obama's watch?
-Black Lives Matter, with its close ties to Muslim terror groups
-The Occupy movement
-Antifa violence in our streets
-Massive surge in killing of police and demonization of police

-surge in race riots
-BDS loving JStreet
-appeasement of Iran, N Korea, Russia, China
-Corrupted IRS, FBI, Justice dept
-demonization of Israel;

pretty good community organizing!
All of which have disappeared or been diminished since he left
What records did Obama set?
-doubled all debt
-worst economic growth over 8 years ever
-lowest % of full time jobs vs part time jobs created
-massive rise in food stamps
-lowest % people in work force
-gutted our military to record bad levels
-islamic terrorism
all have been fixed, bettered or in the process, by Trump.
That's what we get from a Democratic President and the new crop of candidates are far more radical

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