
Sunday, February 9, 2020

Bernie is a very scary communist Israel hater

There is no doubt that Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., is now the leading Democratic presidential candidate. That's not because his ideas are overwhelmingly popular — a majority of Americans approve of capitalism, while less than 1 in 5 like socialism; few Americans are on board with total nationalization of health care, even if many like the idea of universal health care; most Americans do not approve of Sanders' anti-American ideology with regard to foreign policy.
But nobody in the Democratic Party can stop Bernie.
There's a reason for this: The Democratic Party has fed off the energy of Sanders' ideology hoping that, eventually, the voters would come to their senses. Leading candidates have echoed Sanders' talking points. Sen. Elizabeth Warren adopted and then abandoned Medicare for All, and former Vice President Joe Biden mirrored Sanders' Howard Zinn historical perspective.
Those who have attempted to siphon off Sanders' base and approximate his authenticity have failed dramatically.
Instead, Sanders continues to resonate with the base. After all, if you're going to go with an anti-Constitution, anti-free market, intersectionality-based perspective, why water it down with insincerity? Sanders brags about the fact that his ideology has never changed. He's right.
Back in 1976, he suggested that he favored "the public ownership of utilities, banks and major industries." He sounded off for decades on the glories of communist Cuba and the Soviet Union; he basked in the joys of bread lines, saying: "In other countries, people don't line up for food.
The rich get the food, and the poor starve to death." Sanders trots out campaign surrogates who openly claim that the United States is rooted in genocide and racism, and that the American system must be fundamentally remade.
This is radical stuff. But radicals have passion. And politicians of the Democratic Party are unwilling to quell that passion — not when they believe they can capture it and turn it against President Donald Trump.
This is the mirror image of the Republican problem with Trump in 2016: Trump ran on a platform of bashing the Iraq War and America's intelligence agencies, blasting free trade, pledging to avoid entitlement program reforms and slamming the door on immigration.
Instead of fighting those elements, Republicans decided to tinge their own campaigns with those attitudes and then assume Trump would collapse under the weight of his own personality flaws. That never happened.
Democrats seem to be waiting for another collapse that simply isn't coming. Sanders isn't going anywhere. His floor is high, and his ceiling remains low — just like Trump. Electability problems aren't going to dissuade his supporters, who believe — correctly — that inauthenticity provides its own electoral issues.
There was another path. Some Democrat could have completely and utterly rejected Sanders' perspective on the world. Some Democrat could have rejected Sanders' view that America has been a nefarious force in the world; some Democrat could have argued that America isn't perfect but that it has always been great; some Democrat could have talked about the wonders of the free market while arguing for greater strictures on it. After all, the majority of Democrats count themselves as patriots who don't despise the free market.
But no Democrat was willing to stand up to the Sanders base. They were too greedy for its energy, and too optimistic that the energy was transferable. It wasn't. And so the Democratic Party has been captured by an ideology foreign to it — the ideology of Noam Chomsky infused directly into the bloodstream of a party that once touted former President John F. Kennedy. Partisanship is a hell of a drug.


REVEALED: Soviet Spy Congratulated Bernie On Prior Election Win, Met In His Office, Report Says

Written by Ryan Saavedra | Source: Daily Wire | February 04, 2020 12:46 AM
An spy from the former communist superpower, the Soviet Union, congratulated socialist Bernie Sanders in March 1983 for winning re-election as mayor of Burlington, Vermont and for meeting with him in Sanders’ office.

3. Bracing for Bernie: Why Sanders could be a nightmare for Wall Street 

an example 

Alan Dershowitz threatens to campaign against Bernie Sanders over 'Corbyn endorsement'

The US senator, who is running to become America's first Jewish president, made supportive remarks of the Labour leader in 2017

Tobin: A Sanders presidency would be an 'unprecedented nightmare' for Jews

Bernie Sanders becoming America's first Jewish president would be no friend to his fellow Jews, thanks to his anti-Israel, pro-BDS rhetoric.

Senator Bernie Sanders speaks during the sixth 2020 U.S. Democratic presidential candidates campaign debate at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California, U.S., December 19, 2019. (photo credit: MIKE BLAKE/ REUTERS)
Senator Bernie Sanders speaks during the sixth 2020 U.S. Democratic presidential candidates campaign debate at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California, U.S., December 19, 2019.
(photo credit: MIKE BLAKE/ REUTERS)
A Bernie Sanders win in the 2020 Presidential race would deliver the first Jewish American president to the White House, but would be no win for Jews or Israel, Jewish News Syndicate Editor-in-Chief Jonathan S. Tobin has warned.

TOP ARTICLES1/5READ MORE"Though he is Jewish and has repeatedly said that he supports Israel’s existence, there is also no doubt that Sanders is the Democratic contender who is the most critical of Israeli policy and the most sympathetic to the Palestinians," Tobin wrote.
He points to Sanders' willingness to hurl epithets such as "racist" at Benjamin Netanyahu's government, as well as his intentions to create a "pro-Palestinian" foreign policy should he take the White House.
Sanders has previously called for an end to the blockade of Gaza, and has repeatedly criticized Israel's efforts to defend its people from terrorist attacks emanating from Gaza.
"While [a change in foreign policy] wouldn’t advance a two-state solution that both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority have no interest in, it would bring US-Israel relations to a historic low point, while emboldening the Jewish state’s foes to a point where they might consider war a reasonable option," Tobin wrote.
He envisages the situation for American Jews as being no better under Sanders, given Sanders' active opposition to anti-Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions laws and close ties to those within the BDS movement, as well as his opposition to Trump's policy to take a tougher stance on antisemitism on campus.
"Sanders has the support of most of the nation’s most notorious left-wing anti-Semites, such as Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), as well as fellow BDS advocate Linda Sarsour," Tobin wrote. "His refusal to repudiate these figures sets an ominous precedent that would come into play when it comes to staffing an administration, which can be expected to be populated by fellow radicals hostile to Israel and indifferent at best to antisemitism."
But the worst aspect of a Sanders Presidency would ironically be his Jewish status, Tobin says, given that as such, he would be insulated from criticism.
Tobin concluded, "Sanders and his apologists would claim that as a Jew, he could not be termed hostile to his own people. Seen from that perspective, such a Jewish president might be the worst thing yet to befall American Jewry."

Bernie Sanders condemns Israel's killing of Palestinian protesters. BLAMES ISRAEL. Not murderous terrorists.
U.S. Senator from Vermont and former Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders criticized Israel's violent response to Palestinian protesters and urged the U.S. administration to work toward improving the humanitarian situation in Gaza.
Sanders, who is of Jewish background, said in a tweet on Saturday that the killing of Palestinian protesters near the Gaza border was tragic, calling the situation in the blockaded enclave a "humanitarian disaster."
The killing of Palestinian demonstrators by Israeli forces in Gaza is tragic. It is the right of all people to protest for a better future without a violent response.

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