
Sunday, February 23, 2020

He's not a "democratic socialist", which is horrible enough

Bernie becoming unstoppable?
He's not a "democratic socialist", which is horrible enough. He's a con man, hiding his deep communist loyalties and commitment. (1)
He has praised Castro, Sandinistas, Russia and other tyrants. His aids caught on video proposing gulag reeducation camps for Trump voters. Here's how crazy he is. He has longstanding ties to the Socialist Workers Party, which he has tried to hide in recent years.They supported Khomeini during the Iran hostage crisis under Jimmy Carter.
2. His proposals will bankrupt US. $50 trillion at least. He supports ridiculous Aoc's Green New Deal and wants to force removal of private health plans of 180 million citizens.
3. Endorsed by largest Muslim PAC, he called the Israeli government racist.
4. Admits to massive tax hikes for middle class and massive new regulations, that will kill growth, send us into depression, destroy stock market, and deprive you of your hard earned money.
This is very scary. Hopefully sensible independents will learn all this by election day.


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