
Sunday, February 23, 2020

Refuting ridiculous anti Trump allegations

Refuting ridiculous anti Trump allegations

Trump is not Hitler
Democrats call Trump "Hitler". That slanderous lie is not only nonsense, it's 180 degrees wrong. The Democrats are much more Nazi like in policy plans. Learn why here.
The central attack on Trump from the Democrats is that he's a totalitarian buffoon.  Trump has presided over one of the greatest four-year periods of any president by any objective measure. He has shown no indications of totalitarianism. All of the totalitarian threats come from the Democrats in shouting down conservatives, trying to stage crew after coup against an elected president and trying to shut down free speech. In order to make the case that Trump is a great danger if re-elected, you have to convince yourself that after four years of showing no indication of that, and presiding over one of the greatest for your periods of prosperity for America, with the most benefit going to the lower and middle classes, that will radically change in the next 4 years. The vast vast majority of Americans will never buy that malarkey.
Trump has not made air and water worse
The great economy is not because of Obama. It is all Trump.
The Russians are not working for Trump’s reelection. There is NOTHING to this story that Russians are helping Trump win 2020. There is no intelligence to support it. Rather, they are helping Bernie.
Trump did not praise Neo Nazis at Charlottesville. He condemned them.

Trump did NOT mock disabled man. He used same gestures on many, including Ted Cruze
Trump is nor a racist. Democratic leadership  have always been, and are racists. It's not Trump who is a racist, but rather 200 years of Democratic racism.
You don’t have to like the man (I do) but look at his RESULTS!!! Just to name a few. 3 minute summary on why Trump should be reelected

Refuting the ridiculous anti Trump accusations

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