
Sunday, February 16, 2020

The attempts to compare Trump with Hitler are obviously baseless and irresponsible.

Drawing a comparison between two leaders, past and present, can be helpful or harmful. Democrats love to compare President Trump with Nazi Germany’s Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler. In fact, they were/are both leaders of their countries. Unfortunately, the comparison virtually ends there.
Yes, both men wrote books, but “Mein Kampf,” which avowed the superiority of the Aryan race and the dehumanization of the Jewish race, cannot be compared with “The Art of the Deal,” which promotes agreement through compromise.
When Hitler came to power, he systematically eliminated all opposition, either by killing them or locking them up. He took control of the media, so that only favorable propaganda could be disseminated. Yes, Trump does tweet his opinion, but he has not eliminated opposing views.
Hitler built up his military to expand his empire. Trump, following many previous presidents, believes that a powerful military is a deterrent to war. It also provides a means of supporting our allies.
Finally, Hitler was an atheist, who wanted to use the church for his purposes. Trump has embraced Evangelical Christian values and promotes the sanctity of life, individual responsibility and law and order. The attempts to compare him with Hitler are obviously baseless and irresponsible.
The real FASCISTS are some of the Democratic candidates whose aids include those who want to put conservatives in reeducation camps, those who want to allow Iran to continue to threaten to annihilate 7 million Jews in Israel, who appease Islamic terrorists, encourage Antifa violent thugs, shout down conservative speakers etc.

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