
Sunday, February 23, 2020

The emerging sickening similarities between Bernie and Stalin and Hitler.

The emerging sickening similarities between Bernie and Stalin and Hitler. Number one dehumanize the Jews and Trump voters. Hillary began that by calling the 63 million people who voted for Trump deplorables, Bernie's continued that by calling the Israeli government racist, a theme being picked up by many of his supporters . 2. convince the population that those denigrated people belong in special re-education camps which the Soviets called gulags and the Nazis eventually turned into concentration camps. Two top aides now caught on undercover tapes advocating gulags for Trump voters. This is standard operating procedure for the groups that Bernie has associated with including Socialist Workers America, his praise of Castro his praise of the sandinistas his affection for the Soviet Union,and the many communist organizations which which he has deep ties but is hiding.

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