
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Trump is the most Pro Israel President ever.

Trump so far on Israel;
1. Nixed Obama's catastrophic Iran deal. Warns Iran against resumption of program.…/trump-warns-iran-of-severe-cons…. 98% of Israeli leadership knows the Iran deal was genocidal for them and applaud Trump's nixing of Obama's (who is despised in Israel) perfidy. This is also supported by our traditional Arab allies, Saudis and Gulf States.
2. Recognizing Jerusalem as capital
3. Reversing State Dept. claiming Judea and Samaria are "occupied"
4. Got Taylor Force ACT, denying use of our tax dollars for Palestinians to
fund murderers of Jews.
5. Told Israel US has their back
7. Mitigated impact of Obama's "most anti-semitic act in the world in 2016. betrayed by Obama's most-anti-Semitic act in the world in 2016 (according to Simon Wiesenthal nazi Hunting org) when Obama abstained in UN resolution making much of Jerusalem illegally occupied territory. The impact of that odious Obama act has been mitigated and reversed by the Trump State Dept. no longer calling Judea/Samaria "occupied territory" and by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital.
8. largest aid package ever approved august 2018
9. Peace Plan supported by Bibi, and first time ever Arab nations not taking the Palestinian side re flexibly.
10. The United States recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel through a presidential proclamation signed by U.S. president Donald Trump on March 25, 2019 ...

VS the DEM candidates, virtually all have made statements hostile to Israel.

Dangerous anti-Israel views of the top Dem candidates.
Pete: In a Democratic debate in December, he avoided answering a question about the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements and linking it to foreign aid. In October, Buttigieg supported the idea, saying he would commit to the conditioning of aid to any moves of annexation."I think that aid is leverage to guide Israel in the right direction," Buttigieg said at the University of Chicago. Then, when donors got mad, he backtracked but we know what he really thinks.

Bernie: “Bibi is a racist”. “Sanders pivoted to an attack on Israel for its mistreatment of the Palestinians, particularly in Gaza—a tack that won a spontaneous outburst of applause from the attending audience. Seamlessly lumping together the Middle East’s only stable democracy with its most reactionary absolute monarchy, Sanders concluded, “we need to be rethinking who our allies are around the world.” Of course, harsh criticism of Israel has long been a staple of the Sanders playbook. A tad more disconcerting was the apparent approval it triggered in the crowd.”

Warren . " Warren: ‘I will reverse the Trump administration’s new policy on settlements’

“If Israel’s government continues with steps to annex the West Bank, the U.S. should make clear that none of our aid should be used to support annexation,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) told “The New York Times” in a recent survey of candidates’ policy positions.Presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Thursday that she would not attend the annual American Israel Public Policy Conference in March. “For America to be a good ally of Israel and the Palestinians, we need to get both parties to the table. We’re not getting that if we just stand with one party,” Warren said. I’m terrified by the unholy alliance that AIPAC is forming with Islamophobes and antisemites and white nationalists,” the audience member began. Adding that “no Democrat should legitimize that bigotry by attending their annual policy conference,” the questioner told Warren that she had been “really grateful” for the candidate’s decision to miss AIPAC’s 2019 forum. skip the AIPAC policy conference this March?” the questioner asked. Without hesitation, Warren replied “yeah” to laughter and warm applause from the assembled crowd.
Hilarious Aipac is majority Democrats!!!

Crazy Joe: People mistakenly think Biden has a good record on Israel. Read this

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