
Monday, February 24, 2020

Why do Orthodox Jews support Trump in such huge %? What are the non-Orthodox getting wrong? What does Judaism teach?

Why do Orthodox Jews support Trump in such huge %? What are the non-Orthodox getting wrong? What does Judaism teach?  A few of the many reasons.

1.    Best ever Potus on Israel
a.    Jerusalem capital b. Nix Iran deal and levy record sanctions c. Recognize Golan d. No appease Palestinians or shower them with money e. Record aid packages f. State dept. stops referring to Judea/Samaria as “occupied territory”, mitigating Obama’s “Most anti Semitic act in the world” in 2016 with UN abstention on Jerusalem as he was walking out the door of his presidency. G. Obvious affinity between Bibi and Trump. H. Leading Dem candidate, Bernie, calls the entire Israeli government “racist. Democratic party is clearly moving to anti Israel beliefs. “booed Jerusalem from floor of 2012 DNC convention.
2.    Record low unemployment for minorities, and 50+ year record lows for women, youth, disabled.   Maimonides highest form of tzedakah is getting someone a job. Based on Yad, Matanot Ani'im 
3.    Massive drop in poverty and dependency for food stamps. Maimonides: it is better to take any job than be dependent on others. Laws of Gifts to the Poor" 10:18)
4.    Judge people on character, not identity politics. Principle of Adam Yachid: the Torah begins with one man, to teach that none of us should say “My father is better than your father.” Sanhedrin 4:5 
5.    High taxes are a disincentive for productivity and therefore anti-growth. Maximum tax rate is tithing, every few years. 10%.  Laws in Torah seeming to restricting loans and business were explained in Mishnah in the form of legal tools of heter iska and prosbul, which encouraged, rather than discouraged, business. Jews have always thrived under capitalism, suffered under socialism/communism. Israel experimented with socialism and it failed.
6.    Judaism is not for abortions at any time, for any reason. Killing fetus limited in Mishnah to saving life of mother, and until Majority of torso emerges. NOT as so many in Democratic party advocate, letting baby die even after born alive after botched abortion. In 17th century it was expanded to mental health life threat to mother as well.
7.    Judaism opposes slander, defamation. Calling Trump “Hitler”. Calling his voters “deplorables”.
We should judge people charitably until they show evidence they should be treated harshly.
“If you act merciful when you should act cruelly, you will act cruelly when you should be merciful”
The Democrats focus on identity politics is anti-Jewish.  People should be judged based on character, as MLK said, not sexual, gender, race identity. Adam yachid: Mishnah sanhedrin We come from one Adam to teach the principle  that no one can say "my father is greater than your father"
8.    Climate change: While our job is to tend and guard the Garden of Eden” Genesis 2:15, and also the Torah gives us right to kivshuhah / After creating Adam and Eve, G-d blesses them, saying “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.”  There is NO scientific consensus on a. whether the climate is changing rapidly because of our activity b. How much comes from the USA vs China, India etc. c. Whether existing advances in technology will take care of the problem d. is it worth letting the radical left control our whole economy because of this?

9.    People have a right to self-defense. Sanhedrin 72a-b: If Someone Comes to Kill You ... hashkem le-horgo – if someone comes planning to kill youyou should hurry to kill him first.

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