
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Let's understand who controls much of our debt, drugs, etc

Let's understand who controls much of our debt, drugs, etc.
1. Brutal, totalitarian communist dictatorship.Mao killed 50 million of his own.
2. Lied to world about virus. Study says 95% of world disaster could have been avoided had they not lied about it.
3. Senator Cotton and other experts believe virus was from the level 4 bio lab in Wuhan.
4. China lies more and tries to foist blame on our army for bringing in the disease.
5. now, today, reports in Wuhan of them throwing living sick people into crematoria

6. How many top Democrats, including Biden, are beholden to China financially? How many of our top universities? How many companies of ours do they own?
7. We in no way blame Chinese Americans or Chinese food. But the Chinese government?

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