
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Biden can't use dementia as a defense when Obama made the most "anti-semitic act in the world

Biden can't use dementia as a defense when Obama made the most "anti-semitic act in the world in 2016, even though Biden was his VP. . Biden was knee-deep in it.
"Many in the diplomatic world have long suspected what became crystal clear in very recent reports and leaks that Obama and Biden had secretly corralled Ukraine and other countries to totally isolate Israel by arranging a 14-0 vote against Israel in a Dec., 2016 U.N. Resolution. As is being exposed more each day, Biden and his son Hunter had a special relationship with Ukraine that profited father and son and placed Biden in a unique position to strong arm Ukraine, normally a country on good terms with Israel, to vote against Israel.
“In light of recent disclosures, the Conference of Jewish Affairs condemns former Vice President Joe Biden’s forceful phone call to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko pushing him to vote for U.N Resolution 2334, which demands Israel renounce her sovereignty over the Old City of Jerusalem and her cities in Judea and Samaria and retreat to the precarious borders of 1967 that induced attacks against Israel from surrounding Arab states.
“Biden’s pronouncements claiming to be pro-Israel are activated only in the breach. In fact, he has a long-standing antagonism against Israel on virtually all matters on what some label the peace process, Rabbi Spero stated. “We take little comfort that Biden feels “Israel has a right to exist”, and we are more alarmed at his years of blaming Israel, creating politicized mountains out of molehills, working behind the scenes to shrink Israel, and bullying the Jewish state.
“Biden’s belligerence began decades ago with his public diatribe against Prime Minister Begin during a 1982 Senate hearing, repeated over the years against other Israeli officials, and now against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Though not in the camp of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, nonetheless Biden is not a true friend of Israel, and supporters of Israel should be quite uneasy about the possibility of a Biden presidency and administration.”
Conference of Jewish Affairs

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