
Monday, June 29, 2020

Support the #Blacklivesmatter organization, despite acknowledging their anti-Israel and anti-semitic platforms? That is insane,

 Support the #Blacklivesmatter organization, despite acknowledging their anti-Israel and anti-semitic platforms? That is insane,
We can OPPOSE racism, support Black people, and not support this specific organization. an organization that:
1. Despite a few bad apples, it’s founding premise is a LIE. Police do not target Black men to kill them. Study after study has shown this.…/new-study-says-white-police-officers-…
2. BLM wants to hurt us. They are targeting Jewish businesses, Jewish people, Jewish cemeteries, synagogues etc. Their platforms calls for hurting Israel.…/radical-groups-co-opt-black-…/ They are in league with Muslim terror organizations.
3. They do NOT represent the interests of Black people. Most Black people oppose their agenda. Most blacks do NOT want less police, they want more. Most blacks understand the nuclear family is key to success, as is a life of no crime, education etc. They do not care at all about the 95%+ of blacks killed by other blacks. BLACK legislator said BLM is a TERRORIST organization.…
4. BLM wants to undermine AMERICA, increase lawfulness, hurt Jews,
a. Police chief says they are terrorist organization…/minneapolis-police-union-head-cal…
b. FBI…/the-fbi-has-identified-a-new-d…/

c. Ties to radical communists Fighting racism is one thing. Even saying black lives matter is 1 thing but supporting the organization that calls itselfe "black lives matter" means you are associating with a group that associates with Muslim terrorists and hard core communists. Not only does BLM leadership have deep ties to Muslim brotherhood terrorists, there are clear links to the socialist dictators who run Venezuela. Obama's overjoyed that 2 of his great pet causes, Islamic Terrorism and worldwide socialism, are connected to BLM.
Why do they support a group that hates Jews, hates America, undermines blacks?

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