
Saturday, January 16, 2021

Trump did not incite.


Another PHONY, TRUMPED up lie to undermine trump, following PHONY Russian collusion, Phony Ukraine Phone call impeachment, Phony Mueller investigation, stealing an election ad now blaming him for false flag Antifa operation+ some rogue rally attendees.


The president didn’t commit incitement or any other crime. ..SCOTUS case:  Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), in which the Supreme Court set the standard for speech that could be prosecuted without violating the First Amendment. The justices held that a Ku Klux Klan leader’s calls for violence against blacks and Jews were protected speech. The court found that Clarence Brandenburg’s comments were “mere advocacy” of violence, not “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action . . . likely to incite or produce such action. The president didn’t mention violence on Wednesday, much less provoke or incite it. He said, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard… The president’s critics want him charged for inflaming the emotions of angry Americans. That alone does not satisfy the elements of any criminal offense, and therefore his speech is protected by the Constitution that members of Congress are sworn to support and defend.”

President Trump addressed the protesters and called on the assembled to march “over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”At the moment the President was uttering the words “peacefully,” though, a different more sinister group had already gathered at the Capitol, a full 45 minute walk away. Whatever happened there is not yet fully understood. Given the proclivity of federal law enforcement to act politically against Trump, it, unfortunately, may never be.

Some things, though, are certain. We know, for instance, that many of the troublemakers were not Trump supporters. We know, too, that Capitol Police waved at least some Trump supporters into the building. We know that a Trump supporter was shot in the Capitol.


Wall St. Journal says a FEW DOZEN of the tens of thousands breached the capital. Police LET THEM IN. How many of the breachers causing trouble were Antifa, planted by dems to create this mayhem? We'll never know, because the left is using Google, Twitter, Facebook etc to block truth-seeking.. But we do know dems generally are ok with violent protests. S



Leftist arrested in DC’



FYI says no antifa involved in DC. Sorry corrupt FBI. We saw it without own eyes. January 9, 2021

The Capitol: So Much Suspicious Evidence

By William L. Gensert

they infiltrated a peaceful demonstration with Antifa and carried out a successful false flag operation.

They Tell Us

This was all Trump's fault.

Funny Thing

Having watched some part of almost all the Trump rallies and having never seen anyone wearing helmets, backpacks, headscarves, or any degree of blackout with a tool dangling from their belts, it was surprising to see so many of the so-called rioters so clad at this "rebellion."

In the now-famous picture of seven guys scaling the wall to the Capitol Building, one can see people already at the precipice. Those are the ones who walked up the stairs (just outside the frame) when the entirely inadequate security melted away.

One can be forgiven for thinking security was purposely left deficient and unarmed to provoke what might happen should a sampling of Antifa intermixed within the mostly peaceful crowd be successful at impelling the desired .

This Is What They Wanted

The left should think about what it has done and what is coming.

These people have stolen an election without caring who knows it. They have rioted, assaulted innocents, and burned down our cities for most of a year. They have defunded police, resulting in a nationwide increase in murders — forget about the increase in other crimes. And they told us we were wrong to mention how all their predations make us suffer.

Whether the left successfully prosecuted a false flag operation or this was an organic conservative rebellion, the result is the same. The left thinks it can push Americans around forever. Leftists think they can tell us what to do and we will obey. They have another think coming.

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