
Tuesday, August 9, 2022

20 examples of how Democrats are wrecking USA in every way so all they can do is hate on Trump and deny anything bad is happening.

 20 examples of how Democrats are wrecking USA in every way so all they can do is hate on Trump and deny anything bad is happening.

Why is Biden polling worse than every other president at this stage? Because sensible Americans recognize
The ONLY thing Joe has Built Back better is the Taliban terrorists of Afghanistan
The Democrats control the White House and Congress and everything about the US has gotten much, much worse. It happens every time a Democrat is a president. Obama had the worst growth ever over 8 years and the world was on fire during his terms. Now it is even worse.
1. Biden economy in shambles.
Ignore the Fake News Media Spin; The Economy Is Dreadful ⋆
A.Record inflation because of Dem policies. The AVG. US family have $6800 in extra expenses because of Democrat's inflation.
C. Shortages of many goods.
D.The stock market is cratering
E. The "new" jobs they claim merely replace the jobs lost When Democrats needlessly shut down their economies. Many 2nd jobs. Part time.
Less employed now than when Biden took over
July Jobs Report: Closer Look Shows Workers Under Strain | National Review
F. Biden lies about cutting deficit. Biden's claim he 'reduced' deficit debunked in federal report
G. And now “The Biden Democrats have put together a new
fiscal deal which will raise taxes by $739 billion
designed to make the recession worse - and $433 billion in additional spending designed to make the inflation higher. So naturally, this dreadful bill is being called the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ of 2022.”
- Larry Kudlow
H. 61% live paycheck to paycheck under Demoeconomics
I. 20 year record jump in credit charges
J. Our econony worst of all major economies
K. Democrats new plan will increase inflation, so says 230 economists
2. Record crime because of Dem policies of defunding police, no bail, no prosecutions, telling police to stand down.
Shortage of police now because of Dem war on police 'We're triaging': Cops combat violent crime as ranks dwindle
AOC's district 57% increase violent crime while she advocated defunding police
3. 2x as many covid deaths as under Trump
4. no control over our southern border leads to a surge in drugs, traffickers, sex traffickers, terrorists, gangs
Biden Is Accelerating The Illegal Border Invasion
5. Hillary concocting and financing the phony “Russian collusion” hoax
6. thousands rampaging in the streets, looting, burning, shooting with police told to stand down billions in damage during the George Floyd riots, as Dem politicians cheered them on.
7. Disastorous education policies: Dems pushing for 2nd-grade grandchild being told about the greatness of transgender in public school. Dem school unions push the major history textbook in public school teaches that America is a terrible nation, and parents who want input in their kid's public education are labeled "domestic terrorists" by Biden's Attorney general.
Want to impose racist and dangerous Critical Race Theory on our children
8. Biden seeing to it our military getting weaker
9. Dems against people proving who they are, to vote. In order to continue cheating. We need ID for everything but voting?
10. Dems think people should be given priority because of the color of their skin and not based on merit.
11. Dems do not believe in free speech and prefer a society where people are canceled for expressing their opinion
12. Dem leaders call for ignoring or abolishing the Supreme Court when you don't get your way
13. Dems just shifted their historic direct racism (segregation, KKK, slavery,) to more camouflaged racism. The racist Democratic Party has shifted its racist tactics to facilitating murder and family dissolution of blacks. Democrats control most large cities with significant black populations, where the black-on-black murder rate is enormous.
. Until the Democrats enacted the “Great Society” programs under LBJ in the 60s, blacks were quickly catching up to whites. Since then, the number of babies born to unwed teenage moms has skyrocketed, and high school dropouts, gangs, and crime have risen dramatically.
14. Worst foreign policy: terrorist Taliban taking over Afghanistan because of Biden's inept pullout,
Isis rebuilding after Trump crushed them, Iran having enough nuclear capacity to make bombs,
Russia at war.
Provoking China into war
15. Democrats' war on fossil fuel: Biden made us energy dependent instead of independent under Trump. Bidens war on gas.
16. They believe a cat that identifies as a dog is actually a dog.
17. The top 10 cities people are fleeing are all run by Democrats.
18. Unbelievable Dem corruption. Biden and Hunter. “I’ve Delivered”: New Disclosures Demolish President Biden’s Denials on Hunter Dealings
Smoking Gun: Newly Discovered Emails Confirm Joe Biden Obstructed Justice for His Son’s Foreign Business Deal
Pelosi and insider trading.
Hillary and phony Russian collusion
19. More Americans going hungry in Biden's America More Americans Are Going Hungry, and It Costs More to Feed Them
20. Endanger national security by selling off our emergency oil reserve
21. Weaponize the IRS and add 87000 new inquisitors to harass the middle class and small businesses in the midst of record inflation and a recession.

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