
Tuesday, August 9, 2022

20 examples of how Democrats are wrecking USA in every way so all they can do is hate on Trump and deny anything bad is happening.

 20 examples of how Democrats are wrecking USA in every way so all they can do is hate on Trump and deny anything bad is happening.

Why is Biden polling worse than every other president at this stage? Because sensible Americans recognize
The ONLY thing Joe has Built Back better is the Taliban terrorists of Afghanistan
The Democrats control the White House and Congress and everything about the US has gotten much, much worse. It happens every time a Democrat is a president. Obama had the worst growth ever over 8 years and the world was on fire during his terms. Now it is even worse.
1. Biden economy in shambles.
Ignore the Fake News Media Spin; The Economy Is Dreadful ⋆
A.Record inflation because of Dem policies. The AVG. US family have $6800 in extra expenses because of Democrat's inflation.
C. Shortages of many goods.
D.The stock market is cratering
E. The "new" jobs they claim merely replace the jobs lost When Democrats needlessly shut down their economies. Many 2nd jobs. Part time.
Less employed now than when Biden took over
July Jobs Report: Closer Look Shows Workers Under Strain | National Review
F. Biden lies about cutting deficit. Biden's claim he 'reduced' deficit debunked in federal report
G. And now “The Biden Democrats have put together a new
fiscal deal which will raise taxes by $739 billion
designed to make the recession worse - and $433 billion in additional spending designed to make the inflation higher. So naturally, this dreadful bill is being called the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ of 2022.”
- Larry Kudlow
H. 61% live paycheck to paycheck under Demoeconomics
I. 20 year record jump in credit charges
J. Our econony worst of all major economies
K. Democrats new plan will increase inflation, so says 230 economists
2. Record crime because of Dem policies of defunding police, no bail, no prosecutions, telling police to stand down.
Shortage of police now because of Dem war on police 'We're triaging': Cops combat violent crime as ranks dwindle
AOC's district 57% increase violent crime while she advocated defunding police
3. 2x as many covid deaths as under Trump
4. no control over our southern border leads to a surge in drugs, traffickers, sex traffickers, terrorists, gangs
Biden Is Accelerating The Illegal Border Invasion
5. Hillary concocting and financing the phony “Russian collusion” hoax
6. thousands rampaging in the streets, looting, burning, shooting with police told to stand down billions in damage during the George Floyd riots, as Dem politicians cheered them on.
7. Disastorous education policies: Dems pushing for 2nd-grade grandchild being told about the greatness of transgender in public school. Dem school unions push the major history textbook in public school teaches that America is a terrible nation, and parents who want input in their kid's public education are labeled "domestic terrorists" by Biden's Attorney general.
Want to impose racist and dangerous Critical Race Theory on our children
8. Biden seeing to it our military getting weaker
9. Dems against people proving who they are, to vote. In order to continue cheating. We need ID for everything but voting?
10. Dems think people should be given priority because of the color of their skin and not based on merit.
11. Dems do not believe in free speech and prefer a society where people are canceled for expressing their opinion
12. Dem leaders call for ignoring or abolishing the Supreme Court when you don't get your way
13. Dems just shifted their historic direct racism (segregation, KKK, slavery,) to more camouflaged racism. The racist Democratic Party has shifted its racist tactics to facilitating murder and family dissolution of blacks. Democrats control most large cities with significant black populations, where the black-on-black murder rate is enormous.
. Until the Democrats enacted the “Great Society” programs under LBJ in the 60s, blacks were quickly catching up to whites. Since then, the number of babies born to unwed teenage moms has skyrocketed, and high school dropouts, gangs, and crime have risen dramatically.
14. Worst foreign policy: terrorist Taliban taking over Afghanistan because of Biden's inept pullout,
Isis rebuilding after Trump crushed them, Iran having enough nuclear capacity to make bombs,
Russia at war.
Provoking China into war
15. Democrats' war on fossil fuel: Biden made us energy dependent instead of independent under Trump. Bidens war on gas.
16. They believe a cat that identifies as a dog is actually a dog.
17. The top 10 cities people are fleeing are all run by Democrats.
18. Unbelievable Dem corruption. Biden and Hunter. “I’ve Delivered”: New Disclosures Demolish President Biden’s Denials on Hunter Dealings
Smoking Gun: Newly Discovered Emails Confirm Joe Biden Obstructed Justice for His Son’s Foreign Business Deal
Pelosi and insider trading.
Hillary and phony Russian collusion
19. More Americans going hungry in Biden's America More Americans Are Going Hungry, and It Costs More to Feed Them
20. Endanger national security by selling off our emergency oil reserve
21. Weaponize the IRS and add 87000 new inquisitors to harass the middle class and small businesses in the midst of record inflation and a recession.

Impeach Biden for these 7 reasons.

 any others you want to add?

Impeach Biden for these 7 reasons. It all begins after the GOP takes back the House.
1. Endangered National security by allowing transfer of our revolutionary battery tehnology to China How the U.S. gave away a breakthrough battery technology to China : NPR
2. Endangered National security by severely depleting our oil reserve and selling it to China Biden Sells Oil to China from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve - IER (
3. Turning over Afghanistan and $80 billion of military equipment to terrorist Afghanistan Opinion: Biden's Afghanistan exit decision looks even worse a year later (
4. Endangered National security by not stopping Nancy Pelosi from going to Taiwan and inflaming China needlessly
5. Remember when House Democrats impeached President Donald Trump for twisting the arm of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, allegedly conditioning a White House visit on his willingness to investigate Hunter Biden? Well, guess what: Axios reports that the Biden administration may have twisted Zelensky’s arm to accept a deal President Biden just cut with Germany to allow it to move forward with its Nord Stream 2 pipeline with Russia — and conditioned a White House visit by Zelensky on acceptance of the deal.
“While members of the Biden administration were finalizing their deal with Germany, they were working with the Ukrainians to set a date for Zelensky’s White House visit, which the Ukrainian president had initially stated would be this month,” Axios reports. “The Ukrainians felt the administration was effectively linking the White House visit to Ukraine’s position on the Nord Stream deal and pressuring them not to speak out.”
Did Biden really just condition a visit to the White House upon Zelensky’s agreeing to acquiesce to Russian energy dominance over Ukraine? Time to appoint the impeachment managers!
6. Biden's handling of the southern border crisis is an "impeachable" offense.
7. Selling access to him as VP and Pres to help Hunter’s business deals with foreign nations

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

my video 9n damage of Democrats

The absolute disaster of Democratic governance, greatly weakening America in just one year and inflaming world tensions.

Let's summarize where Biden and Dem control of Contress has gotten us in ONE year: Disaster!!!  Build back much WORSE.
1. Inflation at 40-year record. Because he pumped trillions into the economy. Milton Friedman proved too much $ causes inflation. His wasteful Build back better” will accelerate inflation by pumping trillions more into the economy.
2. Massive shortages of goods. His party shut down the economy so companies stopped producing.
3. Trillions added to the national debt. 100% Biden.
4. Huge surge in violent crime. His party attacked police, handcuffed them. They quit or pulled back policing. It's Dems fault
5. Parents called domestic terrorists by Biden's Attorney General
6. China, Russia, Iran, N Korea openly challenging us. Because Biden is so wesk
7. Anti-Semitic UN vote about Israel
8. Uncontrollable southern border. 100% His call.
9. Covid deaths keep piling on. Biden ran on doing covid better.
10. Polling 36% support. Kamala at 28%
11. Tragic withdrawal Afghanistan and made a new terrorist nation. 100% Biden
12. Growth 2% and dropping. Because of his party shutting down economy.
13. So much govt. Aid, people won't work so huge labor shortages.  5 million fewer workers than if pre pandemic trend continued. Millions left work and have not returned. 
14. Massive increase in racial tension. Democrats want it. It's all they have.
15. Consumer spending plummets because of Biden’s inflation and shortages
16. The primary focus of education in USA are lies about racism (CRT) and getting all your silly gender Pronouns right. Meanwhile China is teaching coding, physics, etc. Thanks Democrats for wrecking America.
17. Congressional Democrats openly espouse antisemitism on House floor and get rewarded by Peslosi.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Democrats ruining America. top 29 ways


Democrats ruining America.

1. Democrats, under Biden’s failed policies, let over 1 million die of covid now, after Biden campaigned on stopping it.

2. Democrats causes this record inflation with massive spending and printing record money

3. Democrats caused this record violent crime surge

4. Democrats are weakening our military.

5. Democrats botched Afghanistan pullout left it in terrorist hands and encouraged Putin's war


6. Democrats wild spending has led to US debt at 30 trillion

7. Democrats turned blind out to tens of thousands burning, looting, rioting

8. Democrats turned us from energy exporter under Trump to dependence on foreign oil again

9. Democrats endangered national security by depleting our reserve oil stockpile

10. Democrats lack of border control has led to surge in drug traffickers, sex traffickers, violent gangs, terrorists infiltrating

11. Democrats want to brainwash kg-3 about transgender

12. When parents want to have input in their kids Education, Democrats tell them its none of their business and call them domestic terrorists


Democrats call for violence against Republicans

14. Democrats oppose free speech make every effort to silence and cancel opposition views

15. Under Democrats, families falling deeper into debt

16. Under Democrats, N Korea is shooting missiles again

17. Under Democrats, Putin started violent war in Ukraine

18. Under Democrats, Iran is at 90% uranium enrichment

19. Under Democrats, homeless explosion in cities

20. Under Democrats, trade deficit hits record

21. Joe and Hunter run large crime syndicate family

22. Democrats hostility to police has led to massive surge in killing of police , early retirements, depleted forces and resultant surge of crime

23. Democrats hostility to fossil fuel has led to massive increased prices, before Ukraine war

24. leading Democrats in Congress express anti-semitic views and policies

25. Democrats striving to impose racist, Marxist ideology in our schools, through Critical Race Theory

26. Democrats have always pursued policies to hurt Minorities, and do today. KKK, Slave owners, Southern segregationist, opposition to civil rights laws, all Supreme Court judges voting for Dredd Scott and today, their cruel welfare policies destroyed the black family, encouraged unwed teen single moms,

27. Democrats working to destroy girl women’s sports, achieved after so much effort, by allowing biologically stronger males to compete as women

28. Greatest threat to Republic was Hillary’s paying Fusion GPS to make up Russian collusion hoax. Democratic voters seem to not care that Hillary Clinton paid Fusion GPS to make up a Dossier of phony Russian Collusion charges on Trump, which embroiled the nation for 2 years. What's more, despite all the evidence, many Democrats still believe the fundamental lie.

29. Jan, 6 The FBI said it wasn't an insurrection.  Why do the media and other Democrats repeat that lie?

Sunday, April 24, 2022



David Horowitz throws a cold dash of reality onto the shibboleths of progressive dogma. Are progressives crazy? No, David says, the truth is worse than that.
Crackpot pronouncements that bewilder the politically incorrect.
1. Certainly the most important (and perhaps the most bizarre) of these pronouncements is the progressive claim that, “America is a white supremacist society, which marginalizes and underserves people of color.” This is the kind of statement the White House makes when explaining its “equity” policies which are designed to correct the injustice.3
a. But if this description is accurate, how does one explain the stampede of two million people – mainly “of color” – massing at our border to get into a country, which is said to oppress them?4 How would an estimated two million people, 90% of them “people of color,” decide to risk their lives this year alone to break into a white supremacist country that will marginalize, underserve and oppress them?
b. In a brazen lie on his Inauguration Day, President Biden claimed that “systemic racism touches every facet of American life.”5 It would be his administration’s policy, he promised, to put an end to this alleged injustice – mainly by violating the Constitution and redistributing income and privilege on the basis of race. All “people of color” would be the beneficiaries of this “equity” largesse, while their white-skinned oppressors would be denied the same.6 All this progressive virtue signaling, however, was based on a lie. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 explicitly outlaws “systemic racism.” If there were systemic racism touching “every facet of American life,” as Biden claimed, there would be a tsunami of lawsuits leading to billions in damages. There is no such tsunami. In other words, with one exception there is no pervasive systemic racism in American institutions. Progressive equity payoffs are just racist -and illegal – transfers of wealth.
c. There is one exception. The only real systemic racism in American life is affirmative action. Affirmative action programs required a pass from the Supreme Court precisely because they are racist and therefore unconstitutional. Affirmative action’s discriminatory measures are designed, moreover, to benefit only a handful of select groups of “people of color.” Asians do not quality for affirmative action skin privileges, because they do very well without them.7 The selection of the beneficiary groups was always political. So much for justice.
2. The spectrum of progressive ideology is always seen by those who are drunk on it as a “hierarchy of oppression.” This so-called hierarchy has been turned into an elaborate and lucrative enterprise, generating mountains of hot air in the academy where it is called the “theory of intersectionality.” This ludicrous exercise in intellectual thumb-sucking assigns levels of oppression to individuals who are alleged to have multiple “oppressed” identities, such as black lesbian females who are said to be more oppressed, for example, than heterosexual black males.
A. But are they? Are black lesbian females really powerless in 21st Century America? At the bottom of the totem pole? Victims of multiple oppressions? All the founding organizers of Black Lives Matter were able to engage an estimated 40 million supporters in the summer of 2020, and to orchestrate violent attacks on 220 cities,8 and to collect nearly $100 million in donations from America’s richest corporations and celebrities,9 and were officially endorsed by the President of the United States and the Democrat Party.10 All the creators of Black Lives Matter able to accomplish these feats are black lesbians – and proud of it!11 Victims indeed! More accurately: victimizers.
b. The federal government has spent tens of millions of taxpayers’ dollars on fatuous intersectionality projects without managing to provide a reasonable explanation of what constitutes “oppression” in a free society, or how individuals can be trapped at various levels of a “hierarchy” in a nation in which everyone has equal rights by law. No group in America – except children of abusive parents and the victims of sex traffickers and slavers – is oppressed. No racial, gender or economic group is oppressed. If they are, where is the exodus?
c. Are black Americans marginalized? Blacks have been the center of the nation’s attention since the civil rights movement of the 1950s. Although comprising only 13% of the population they have been able to assert themselves as an unrivalled force in the nation’s media, music and entertainment cultures. Through their dominant roles in sports, black athletes have provided icons and role models for generations of America’s youth – black and white. How marginal is that? Are black Americans underserved? In fact they have been the focus of federal support and privileges amounting to trillions of dollars –more than any other ethnic or racial group. From the point of view of opportunities and benefactions offered to particular groups, there is no greater “skin privilege” than being black.
D. Intersectional hierarchies with an oppressor caste of white males at the top are a progressive illusion. There is no such closed social hierarchy possible in America. The alleged oppressor caste – white males – are only about a third of the population. The putative victims of their oppression not only outnumber them 2-1, they are endowed with the same rights. So how are white males able to control and oppress them? Women preside over courts, run major law enforcement agencies, occupy the vice presidency, sit on the Supreme Court, are the most powerful members of the House of Representatives, have chaired both political parties, and are the chief executives of large American cities. If there hasn’t been a female president yet, whose fault is that? Clearly not white males.
Is there a glass ceiling for women? The adjective itself is a giveaway that there is not. If the ceiling is invisible, it’s because it doesn’t exist. The gender-wage-gap is a long-disproven fiction. Wage discrimination against women was outlawed as a practice nearly 60 years ago by the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act of 1963 – passed by a Congress almost exclusively male. If such a gap existed, and wasn’t outlawed, the remedy would be to do what the Jews and the Irish did when prejudice made them social pariahs. They built their own institutions.
Do women have the resources to create their own economies? Indeed, they do. In America, women’s wealth amounts to $11 trillion, more than enough to build equal pay for equal work institutions if the law didn’t already require it.13
What is true for glass ceilings is also true for concepts like “unconscious racism” and “unintentional racism,” weasel words deployed to justify the aggressive racism of the diversity industry. If the racism is unconscious and unintentional, then it is in the eye of the beholder.
These “triggering” moments are not oppressions of groups trapped in a rigid hierarchy from which they cannot escape. If too many black Americans are poor, the source of their poverty is themselves. In fact, only 20% of blacks are poor.14 Better if it were less, but that figure poses the question: If 80% of blacks are not poor, how can racism be the explanation for the failure of 20% to avail themselves of the advantages that are open to the 80%? Especially when there are millions of people here illegally, who don’t speak the language and still manage to earn a decent living.
Among the more obvious holes in the progressive world view is the fact that there is no place for history, except as a locus of bad practices which can be manipulated to indict the present. The fact that American slaves were first enslaved by black Africans who sold them at auctions in Africa, and that white Americans died in the hundreds of thousands to free blacks, and also inspired a global movement for equal rights, is either missing from progressive narratives, or disparaged.
The progressive outlook also has no place for the crucial roles that psychology, family structure, or criminal behavior play in the destinies not only of individuals but of groups. E.g., if inner cities lack amenities, it is because criminals “of color” scare legitimate businesses and services away. The progressive outlook also has no room for the idea that attitudes can change and not only under threat. Above all, it has no appreciation for the long-term benefits of a society, like America’s, which fosters upward mobility and was dedicated in its founding in a hierarchical world to provide equal rights for all.
Between 1940 and 1950 the earnings of the average black male increased 75%, which was about twice the rate at which white incomes grew.16 This was before the civil rights movement, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Great Society welfare programs that, in any case, failed to reduce poverty at all. Between 1940 and 1960, black incomes for males and females more than doubled.17 By 1971, oppressed, marginalized and underserved black couples with two working spouses were earning 5 percent more than white couples of the same description in every part of the United States except the South.18
Inflation-adjusted per capita black income in 1973 was more than 125 percent higher than twenty-five years earlier.19 Since 1981, black families with two college-educated, working spouses have earned slightly more than white families of the same description in every age group and in every region of the country.20
Why have 20% of the black population failed to climb out of poverty, while 80% have succeeded? Here are some statistics that help to explain. In 2019 the poverty rate in traditional two-parent families of all races was 4.0 percent, compared with 22.2 percent in families headed by a female with no adult male present.
Why are 70% of black families in inner cities single-parent, female-headed households?21 Because 60 years ago progressives devised a welfare system that disqualifies families with a father in the house from receiving welfare benefits. The progressive ideological prism has no window for this, so for 60 years progressives have blocked every change to the system that would free black welfare families from poverty. Progressive ideology – not race – is the oppressor of black poor people in America.
The statistics show that income equality is within the power of blacks to achieve by themselves. Whites are richer not because they oppress blacks but because whites are more successful at forming traditional nuclear families and completing a college education. The educational system is public and largely free, especially to government-privileged minorities. Black failure is concentrated in urban centers where minorities are a majority and blacks occupy positions of power in private philanthropies, public institutions and governments.
In this situation, the chief obstacle to black Americans’ success is the epidemic of anti-white racism present in the Biden White House, the Democrat Party, the Black Lives Matter movement, the leftwing media and corporate culture, universities, philanthropic institutions, the Diversity Industry and the K-12 teacher unions. The sinister message to blacks from all these race-infected institutions is: You don’t control your destiny, racist whites do.
This lie has planted the seeds of violent hatred, triggering a national crime wave whose perpetrators (and victims, ironically) are mainly black. Why are black racists targeting Asians? Because Asians have shown that a minority that suffers persecution can succeed if it embraces the right values. Asians are in fact the richest ethnic group in America – significantly richer than whites.22
The chief effect of anti-white racism is to inculcate a sense of powerlessness among blacks that feeds the hate and encourages them to put their faith in the corrupt urban leaders who have lined their own pockets with trillions of federal dollars intended to advance black interests. Al Sharpton and ambulance-chaser Benjamin Crump, attorney for the Black Lives Matter’s fake martyrs, come immediately to mind.23
There is no hierarchy of oppression in America. But there are such hierarchies in the socialist societies admired by progressives – Cuba, China, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Russia. The social hierarchy in these progressive countries is determined by the hierarchy in the ruling party that bills itself as the savior of the people, which is precisely how progressives see themselves.
16 Stephan Thernstrom and Abigail Thernstrom, America in Black and White (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1997), pp. 81-82.
17 Ibid.
18 Thomas Sowell, The Economics and Politics of Race (New York: Quill, 1983), pp. 190-
20 Tony Snow, “Blacks Should Not Abandon King’s Dream,” Conservative Chronicle (September 7, 1994), p. 28; (2) Walter E. Williams, “White People Are Divine,” More Liberty Means Less Government (Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1999), p. 6.
23 David Horowitz, I Can’t Breathe: How a Racial Hoax is Killing America, 2021