
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Reflections on Yom Hazikarone and Yom Haatzmaut as I visit israel

We are in Israel (besides wanting to be here) because Beverly's daughter got engaged (surprised engagement, the groom told us to show up for the excitement). Here in Zichrone Yaakov with her future machatonim (Mom is Israeli) and with the couple, groom's brother, Beverly and the couple


Netanyahu on Memorial Day: As threats grow, determination to defend Israel grows. Nation to bow head as Jewish state mourns 23,320 fallen soldiers and civilian victims of wars and terrorism. In Herzaliya now, listening to the minute-long siren was set to mark the beginning of Israel's official Memorial Day.
Netanyahu told the bereaved families present that they could find solace in the fact that their sons and daughters had died ensuring the future of the Jewish people". So many thousands at the ceremonies. Watching the faces of wives, parents, children whose loved ones were killed defending Israel.Story after story on tv about the lives of individuals killed in the fighting. Iran and the other terrorists are determined to add millions to the figure. And now much of the world understands, the president of the United states is expediting the wishes of the genocidal maniacs. Somber realities on Yom Hazikarone 2015, as Iran chanted death to America and Israel, Obama keeps giving them more and more concessions.…/why-obamas-iran-dea…
why does he so desperately want the deal? Because Obama is a pro Islamic jihadist.…/why-is-it-so-hard…

Just returned from Rabin Square in Tel Aviv where many thousands listened to singers, watched Israeli dancers, fireworks, falafel, and kvelling (yiddish for shepping nachus) in honor of israel's 67 birthday, Yom Haatazmaut. The transition between mourning  the 23,000+ dead and celebrating this miracle was amazing. It was very emotional. As I watched the many many young kids of all ages celebrating, I kept, thinking, "the next generation of IDF", but tonight, CELEBRATION. Tomorrow, see my Bratzlaver hasidic relatives in Bnai Brak. What a country!


I was sitting by the pool, enjoying the Israeli sun, and an Israeli guy next to me said "you'll enjoy the show in a few minutes". Wondering what he was talking about. Pretty soon 3 military helicopters flew by. Then 5 big planes in formation. He starts describing them to me. Then wave after wave of 5 fighter jets in formation, very low. i said, 'either a war has started or .." he said "Yom haatzmaut." of course i teared up and thought "way too sappy to tell him, who fought, how emotional it was to experience that after 2000 years, the Jewish people have an Air Force to defend ourselves". There was a young father from England sitting by us and we were talking about Rabin Square last night and the celebration. He said that in England there is no such thing, and we Americans have July 4. i apologized and said "sorry, but we
wanted our independence". He said, no sweat, all is forgiven, We said a lichayim to all that.

Guess many bbq for Yom haatmaut here. Our group of 7 was invited by a friend of a friend of  Beverly's future son-in-law to his parents' home in Roshone Litziyone (southern suburb of Tel Aviv)  (who were not even there) for bbq. We arrived, and 6 of us knew not one of the 20 Israelis there, including many young children. there were incredibly hospitable!  Two of the the guys were active IDf, one in air defense and one in air force. I think all the adults work in high tech fields. Being near Tel Aviv, we did not find many Netanyahu supporters in the room. (we have learned Israel is 2 countries, Tel Aviv and everywhere else.  Someone of our group asked if the food was kosher and they said, even though obviously secular Jews, "hakol kosher" We spoke alot about Iran and the Palestinians. The  one air defense IDF guy told us he thinks the Obama iran deal is terrible. I think they were surprised to hear how much we all despise Obama and think he works for the other side. They told us American jews are Israel's real "Iron Dome". We told them we felt we were in the presense of real Maccabeas. They asked about Jeb Bush and Hillary. We told him we were not big fans of wither but think Hillary would be as bad as Obama. From there beverly and i went to Tel Hashomer hospital by Bnei brak to see a cousin there, who is a Bratzlaver hasid. Interesting day.

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