
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Say it ain't so Joe: VP Biden's Greatest lie: that Obama has been best prez for Israel

Say it ain't so Joe: VP Biden's Greatest lie: that Obama has been best prez for Israel

When players of the  Chicago White Sox baseball team were discovered to have thrown the 1919 World series, in the so called Black Sox scandal, the most famous quote was of a young boy saying"say it ain't so Joe" about the pitcher Shoeless Joe Jackson, who was the key player involved. 

VP Biden, as part of Obama's diplomatic jihad, said yesterday, no president has done more for Israel.

You mean, more to undermine and weaken Israel, right?

How Obama undermines and weakens Israel while aiding Islamic jihad

First, recall this about Biden,

When Jewish Leaders Could Stand Up To The US
But Biden is a politician, and while he may make a show of his support of Israel now, Daniel Freedman recalls an encounter between Joe Biden and Prime Minister Menachem Begin, when Biden was somewhat less vocal in his support of Israel.
When hearing the name Biden, we always think of the famous exchange between Biden and Prime Minister Begin. As Moshe Zak recounted in a March 13, 1992, piece in the Jerusalem Post:
In a conversation with Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, after a sharp confrontation in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the subject of the settlements, Begin defined himself as "a proud Jew who does not tremble with fear" when speaking with foreign statesmen.
During that committee hearing, at the height of the Lebanon War, Sen. John [sic] Biden (Delaware) had attacked Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria and threatened that if Israel did not immediately cease this activity, the US would have to cut economic aid to Israel.
When the senator raised his voice and banged twice on the table with his fist, Begin commented to him: "This desk is designed for writing, not for fists. Don't threaten us with slashing aid. Do you think that because the US lends us money it is entitled to impose on us what we must do? We are grateful for the assistance we have received, but we are not to be threatened. I am a proud Jew. Three thousand years of culture are behind me, and you will not frighten me with threats. Take note: we do not want a single soldier of yours to die for us."
After the meeting, Sen. Moynihan approached Begin and praised him for his cutting reply. To which Begin answered with thanks, defining his stand against threats.
Time Magazine had a similar recap of the incident, this is from the July 5, 1982 Issue
Senator Joseph Biden, a Delaware Democrat, jabbing his finger at Begin, warned that U.S. support for Israel was eroding. Begin shouted back: "Don't threaten us with cutting off aid to give up our principles!
"The mask is coming off faster than ever from Obama pretending to support America. You know the country responsible for killing hundreds of marines, which provided sanctuary to Al Qaeda and whose terrorist proxies helped give Al Qaeda the skills to carry out 9/11? They’re no longer terrorists, according to the USA. Sure their terrorist groups currently control parts of Lebanon and Yemen, but they’re not terrorists. Because if Iran was a state sponsor of terror, then Obama letting them have the bomb might look bad. This way it’s fine. " Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. He is completing a book on the international challenges America faces in the 21st century.

How Obama tries to undermine and weaken Israel while aiding Islamic jihad
1. His administration continually leaks classified documents that endanger our soldiers and especially our ally Israel
2. Said he wants to bring daylight between Israel and USA
3 .He bragged about killing Bin Laden, when he hypocritically campaigned against the means they used to find him. That got the actual Seals who killed him so mad they are campaigning against him
4 He hired Muslim brotherhood tied terrorists to be in the USA government
5 Aided Muslim Brotherhood dominated Egypt by reducing helping overthrow Mubarack, their debt and doing military exercises with them, while scaling back our exercises with Israel. 
6.He has stalled and delayed and appeased Iran as they march forward to develop nuclear weapons and daily say they want to wipe out Israel
As Iran chanted death to America and Israel, Obama keeps giving them more and more concessions. Barack Obama lied abut Iran’s breakout time- always only 2 or 3 months, until it became politically convenient to reveal it. For years, the breakout time was advertised as a year, so he could argue that Israel need not worry about Iran and military action was unnecessary.
The worst nation on earth, and our jihadist president will let them have nuclear bombs

why does he so desperately want the deal?. why is it so hard for everyone to admit Obama is pro jihad

Wow, what a great friend.  from World Jewish Digest
Not two weeks after he told Tom Friedman that his presidency will be a "failure" if his policies make Israel less safe, President Obama made two jaw-dropping statements over the weekend that makes one wonder whether he is a different definition of "safe" than everyone else.
First, Obama told reporters that he was "surprised" Russian had held off so long on supplying Iran S-300 surface to air missiles, weapons that analysts say will make it much harder to strike Iran's nuclear facilities should the United States or Israel decide to do so. His statement comes after vociferous objection by Jerusalem over the sale and a threat by the Netanyahu government to sell arms to Ukrainian nationalists in retaliation.
Second, Israel's best friend hinted strongly that all sanctions on Iran will be lifted if and when a nuclear deal is signed with that country in June. It seems the United States had fudged the matter weeks back when a framework agreement had been announced, suggesting that the sanctions would be "phased out" as Iran met its obligations under the deal. The Iranians had immediately said that all sanctions must be lifted immediately for any deal to be signed and that the United States was lying when it said their would be any "phasing" of sanctions.
So let's get this straight. Israel's best friend, Mr. I Got Your Back, is now enthusiastically supporting Russia's missile sale to Iran (one even the Europeans are opposed to) and will lift all sanctions immediately as part of a nuclear deal with Iran. This will give the world's leading sponsor of terror cash, along with a fully operational nuclear infrastructure to wreak whatever havoc they wish on the world for generations to come.
President Obama must have a different definition of "friend" than everyone else, because these actions don't seem very friendly at all.

7.. He has tried to bully, threaten, intimidated and repeatedly turned his back on Israel ( 49 borders, no building in Jerusalem) and had the word Jerusalem removed from the DNC platform as well as Hamas as terror, and Palestinians no right of return,. He realized that Jerusalem's omission was an error and lied and said he did not know, and when he instructed them to put it back, they did, but over a majority loud chorus of boos from the delegates. DNC convention has featured a large Muslim extremist sub convention.
8. Foolishly encouraged and embraced Arab Spring, which is turning into Arab nightmare. g. He forbade the CIA and FBI from using the words Muslim or Islam when they investigate, making it impossible to do their job and called Fort Hood massacre of a Muslim killing our soldiers shouting allah akbar workplace violence.
9. Obama refused to push for Israel to be included in an international terrorist conference. 
10. Makes us more dependent on Arab oil that funds terror 
11. Massive spread of Islamic jihad under his watch-
Libya: he helped push out Quaddafi
Iraq-pulled out after war was won opening way for ISIS
Syria: drew red lines and then ignored them when breached
Hamas: secret talks with this terrorist group while they toss missiles daily at Israel for 6 months and continued to fund PA even after the have unity government with Hamas
Iran: weakened sanctions consistently and now extends talks while they move forward , desperate for horrible deal tjhat will endanger Israel and all Mideast. 
12. His record before he entered high electoral politics in 2004, especially his associations with radical anti-Zionists
13. Obama’s favorite foreign leader calls Israelis Nazis Erdogan calls Israel more barbaric than Hitler It is no surprise, with this violent, hateful rhetoric, that there are violent protests against Israel in Turkey. It is also no surprise that Obama would name this vicious Jew-hater as his closest friend among world leaders. “Erdogan calls Israel more barbaric than Hitler,” Times of Israel, July 19, 2014qw

14. Uses IRS to harass pro Israel groups
15. His administration calls Bibi Chickenshit and a coward and obama uninterested in finding out whom, because it was him.
16. US denies visas to Israelis in record numbers
17. In Gaza conflict:  a.   His FAA blocked flights to Israel b.   Denying visas to Israelis
c.    Holds up armaments so Israel can defend itself  d.    Tried to cut Iron dome funding but Congress overruled e. Tried to get Hamas biggest boosters Qatar to get agreement allowing Hamas total freedom to rebuild misslies f. JOHN KERRY PLEDGES $47 MILLION TO HELP HAMAS REBUILD MISSILE SUPPLIES AND REOPEN TUNNELS g. Obama works out $11 billion arms deal to Hamas biggest supporter, Qatar
18. appoints another anti israel person to important post

see notes on much of this
NEWEST: Obama covering up domestic jihad murder again. 
Flourishing of Jihad 2009 until now under Obama, much with his direct aid.You decide whether its purposeful on his part, or incompetence, or horrible consequences of wrongheaded world view. 
1.Libya: he helped push out Quaddafi, and now Libya in hands of various jihad groups. Egypt is very worried about them.
2.Iraq: pulled out after war was won opening way for ISIS
3.Syria: drew red lines and then ignored them when breached and now Isis controls half
4.Hamas: secret talks with this terrorist group while they toss missiles daily at Israel for 6 months and continued to fund PA even after the have unity government with Hamas. Secret talks with them. 
5. Iran: weakened sanctions consistently. 
Obama has iran removed from US terror lists yesterday.
- Michelle celebrates iranian holiday in White House.
-Candidate Obama 2008 sent secret envoy to mullahs to tell them they'd  be very pleased with his policies  when elected.
-Mullahs say obama desperately wants deal.
-Outline of deal guarantees iran nuclear weapons.;_ylt=A0LEVjNajAdVcCgAZSMPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTBzYm1lcmU1BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMTYEY29sbwNiZjEEdnRpZAM-
-Many countries in middle east petrified and say now they'll go for nukes too.

6. Turkey Obama’s favorite foreign leader calls Israelis Nazis It is also no surprise that Obama would name this vicious Jew-hater as his closest friend among world leaders. “Erdogan calls Israel more barbaric than Hitler,” Times of Israel, July 19, 2014 
7. He backed Morsi in Egypt, head of Moslem Brotherhood who said Jews are descended from pigs, gave them 1.5 billion and f16s.
8. Iron Dome vs Terrorist funding Follow the money: each round of Iron Dome funding, Obama has tried to cut substantially. Congress overruled him.

 His response? $47 more for Hamas to rebuild, $500 million for Syrian rebels (which will go straight to Isis, $11 billion arms deal with Qatar
9. Opens southern borders, allowing terrorists cross into US easily
11. Lost whereabouts of 6000 “students” of foreign nationality who never showed up for class
12. The unilateral release of five senior Taliban back to the enemy while the enemy is still fighting us.
14. Does this bother anyone else? Obama had a meeting with an "interesting" cleric -- on the anniversary of 9-11 no less.
15. His administration hired senior terrorists to work for US government. One example
16. Had Bagdadai, Isis leader in custody in 2009 but released him
17. Severly limits FBI ability to monitor Islamic extremists in USA
18. They've lifted all restrictions on Muslim Brotherhood visits to the United States and now restricting entry of Israelis to US
19. He and Hillary lied and lied about 9-11 Alquida attack in benghazzi being caused by Youtube video, to continue their lying narrative that alquida was vanquished to try and assist his 2012 election,
20. Fort Hood shooter business card says “soldier of Allah” and he shouts alla akbar before he kills 13 fellow soldiers, Obama calls it ‘workplace violence”.
21. Obama demands scrubbing word jihad from documents on terror and demands CIA Director scrub word Islamist before the word “terrorists” from Benghazi talking points
22. Fight vs Isis: Steve Emerson: “our allies that the administration praises – Turkey and Qatar – are sabotaging our campaign against ISIS while the President has basically angered good allies lie Egypt, which really could be participating in a very meaningful way because it is significantly and ideologically against the Muslim Brotherhood which [ISIS] has in its origins.."
23. Refuses to acknowledge obvious Islamic link to terror
26. Massively increasing Islamic immigration to USA
27. US considers new, softened nuclear offer to Iran Israel fumes at compromise which would allow Tehran to keep half of its centrifuges in exchange for various checks and balances
29.  and Obama calls it workplace violence, not jihad
30. How many have gotten across

Terrorism expert summarizes this: “Steve Emerson Terrorism expert

“we have an administration that's in bed with these radical Islamic groups who pretend to be moderate or civil rights groups that have basically curtailed the ability of the FBI, ICE agents, to monitor, do investigations, or even prosecutors. Prosecutors now have to petition the Department of Justice to use the word "jihad" in indictments. This shows you the extent to which this administration has neutered the whole campaign to stop jihadism and basically interfere, Monica, with the ability of FBI agents to do their job...,the FBI, city and state law enforcement and now the border patrol with essentially an open border with god knows what kind of terrorists and Islamists are coming over the southern border, how they have really been hamstrung by regulations and political correctness restricting their ability to monitor the Islamic communities and the border...this administration has essentially embraced and legitimized the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the godfather and parent of all Sunni terrorist groups, including Hamas, including Islamic Jihad, and Al Qaeda. And for the administration to make a distinction between Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood is simply murderous. And that's what they've done. “
Obama ongoing terrorism promotion
Besides deep terrorist associations with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn, choosing Marxist radical anti america Re Jeremiah Wright as his preacher for 26 years, promoting anti Semite Harvard prof Derick Bell, (both Wright and bell have spoken openly of their appreciation and support for Louis Farakkhan, ) and so many more, yesterday A lawyer who came to prominence for his full-throated defense of a subsequently convicted terrorist was quietly promoted to the No. 3 slot at the Department of Justice last month, a post that puts him in charge of the administration’s policy regarding Guantanamo Bay detainees. The move has raised red flags on Capitol Hill and elsewhere among national security stalwarts who argue that the promotion could imperil the country’s longstanding war on terrorism. The Obama administration appointee at the center of the debate is Tony West, a longtime Justice Department lawyer who received national attention for his aggressive defense of John Walker Lindh, the so-called American Taliban who is currently serving 20-years in prison for colluding with al Qaeda in Afghanistan and taking up arms against U.S. troops.
Late last month, President Obama appointed West as the DOJ’s acting associate attorney general, a posting that does not require Senate confirmation. He formally began the job on Monday.

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